题解 | #店铺901国庆期间的7日动销率和滞销率#
我最开始想的是记录国庆三天 10-01 10-02 10-03的数据,所以想通过 (select "2021-10-01" as dt union select "2021-10-02" as dt union select "2021-10-03" as dt) as tmp
select tmp.dt, round(count(distinct tmp2.product_id)/(select count(product_id) from tb_product_info where shop_id=901),3) as sale_rate, round(1-(count(distinct tmp2.product_id)/(select count(product_id) from tb_product_info where shop_id=901)),3) as unsale_rate from (select "2021-10-01" as dt union select "2021-10-02" as dt union select "2021-10-03" as dt) as tmp left join (select too.event_time, tpi.product_id from tb_order_overall as too left join tb_order_detail as tod on too.order_id=tod.order_id left join tb_product_info as tpi on tod.product_id = tpi.product_id where tpi.shop_id=901 or tpi.shop_id is null) as tmp2 on datediff(tmp.dt,tmp2.event_time) between 0 and 6 group by tmp.dt order by tmp.dt
这里思路是正确的,就是题意没理解到位,但是!我发现一个问题(下图),我的国庆三天分别获取前6天的数据,这里的实际输出第二行的 动销率sale_rate 为0.000,我百思不得其解,因为最少也是前一行的 动销率 数值吧,这里跳过了0.333变为0.000,到我现在解出来也没明白。(有知道的同学可以指教一下我吗,谢谢。)
SELECT dt, ROUND(cnt / total_cnt, 3) AS sale_rate, ROUND(1 - cnt / total_cnt, 3) AS unsale_rate FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT DATE(event_time) AS dt, ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT (IF(shop_id != 901, null, product_id))) FROM tb_order_overall JOIN tb_order_detail USING (order_id) JOIN tb_product_info USING (product_id) WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, event_time, to1.event_time) BETWEEN 0 AND 6 ) AS cnt, ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT product_id) FROM tb_product_info WHERE shop_id = 901 ) AS total_cnt FROM tb_order_overall to1 WHERE DATE(event_time) BETWEEN '2021-10-01' AND '2021-10-03' ) AS t0 ORDER BY dt;
(select "2021-10-01" as dt union select "2021-10-02" as dt union select "2021-10-03" as dt) as tmp
(select date_format(event_time, "%Y-%m-%d") as dt from tb_order_overall where event_time between "2021-10-01 00:00:00" and "2021-10-04 00:00:00") as tmp
- 上面是 固定写死国庆三天日期 去统计数据。
- 下面是 确定订单总表在国庆三天中哪三天有下单的日期 去统计数据。到这就好理解这句话的意思了(只要当天任一店铺有任何商品的销量就输出该天的结果,即使店铺901当天的动销率为0。)
select tmp.dt, round(count(distinct tmp2.product_id)/(select count(product_id) from tb_product_info where shop_id=901),3) as sale_rate, round(1-(count(distinct tmp2.product_id)/(select count(product_id) from tb_product_info where shop_id=901)),3) as unsale_rate from (select date_format(event_time, "%Y-%m-%d") as dt from tb_order_overall where event_time between "2021-10-01 00:00:00" and "2021-10-04 00:00:00") as tmp left join (select too.event_time, tpi.product_id from tb_order_overall as too left join tb_order_detail as tod on too.order_id=tod.order_id left join tb_product_info as tpi on tod.product_id = tpi.product_id where tpi.shop_id=901 or tpi.shop_id is null) as tmp2 on datediff(tmp.dt,tmp2.event_time) between 0 and 6 group by tmp.dt order by tmp.dt