题解 | #每个6/7级用户活跃情况#
select a.uid, count(distinct year(a.time),month(a.time)) 'act_month_total', count(distinct case when year(a.time)='2021' then date(a.time) else null end) 'act_days_2021', count(distinct case when (year(a.time) = '2021' and a.type = 'exam') then date(a.time) else null end) 'act_days_2021_exam', count(distinct case when (year(a.time) = '2021' and a.type = 'question') then date(a.time) else null end) 'act_days_2021_question' from (select i.uid,exam_id,r.start_time 'time','exam' as 'type' from user_info i left join exam_record r on i.uid = r.uid union all select i.uid, r.question_id,r.submit_time 'time','question' as 'type' from user_info i left join practice_record r on i.uid = r.uid ) a where a.uid in (select uid from user_info where level = '7' or level = '6') group by a.uid order by act_month_total desc,act_days_2021 desc