题解 | #迷宫问题#
#bfs #为什么元祖放入字典里多一个空格 (0,0)-> (0, 0)? dirs = [(0,1),(1,0),(0,-1),(-1,0)] #四个方向 queue = [] def mark(maze,pos): #标记走过的 maze[pos[0]][pos[1]] = 2 def bfs(maze,start): queue.append(start) mark(maze, start) parent = {start:None} #接收前一个点 while len(queue) > 0: pos = queue.pop(0) for i in range(4): nextp = (pos[0] + dirs[i][0],pos[1] + dirs[i][1]) if 0 <= nextp[0] < m and 0 <= nextp[1] < n and maze[nextp[0]][nextp[1]] == 0: mark(maze,nextp) queue.append(nextp) parent[nextp] = pos return parent lst = input().split() m,n = int(lst[0]),int(lst[1]) maze,paths = [],[] for i in range(m): maze.append(list(map(int,input().split()))) start,end = (0,0),(m-1,n-1) parent = bfs(maze,start) while end != None: #逆向输出得到路径 paths.insert(0,end) end = parent[end] for i in paths: print(str(i).replace(' ','')) #输出元祖会报错,多了一个空格,然而我并不知道为什么会多个空格。求解!