题解 | #店铺901国庆期间的7日动销率和滞销率#
with date_list as( select distinct date(event_time) dt, DATE_ADD(date(event_time), INTERVAL -6 DAY) dt_7d_before from tb_order_overall where event_time between '2021-10-01 00:00:00' and '2021-10-03 23:59:59' ),huopin_info as( select shop_id,count(distinct product_id) shangpin_num from tb_product_info where shop_id=901 group by shop_id ), info as( select a.order_id, a.product_id, date(event_time) event_dt, shop_id from tb_order_detail a left join tb_order_overall b on a.order_id = b.order_id left join tb_product_info c on a.product_id = c.product_id where shop_id = 901 ) select a.dt,case when xs is null then 0.000 else xs end,case when xs is null then 1.000 else 1-xs end from date_list a left join (select dt,round(count(distinct product_id)/min(shangpin_num),3) xs from( select *, CASE WHEN event_dt between dt_7d_before and dt then 1 end if_count from date_list join info)t1 left join huopin_info on huopin_info.shop_id = t1.shop_id where if_count=1 group by 1)t2 on a.dt=t2.dt order by 1