题解 | #设计LFU缓存结构#
/** * @param {number} capacity */ var Solution = function(capacity) { // write code here this.max = capacity; this.map = new Map();//保存数据的map this.nummap = new Map();//记录次数的map }; /** * @param {number} key * @return {number} */ Solution.prototype.get = function(key) { // write code here if(!this.map.has(key)) return -1; else { let value = this.map.get(key); let cnt = this.nummap.get(key)+1; //每访问一次重新加入,方便后续次数相同的情况找到最早访问的 this.nummap.delete(key); this.nummap.set(key,cnt); return value; } }; /** * @param {number} key * @param {number} value * @return {void} */ Solution.prototype.set = function(key, value) { // write code here if(this.map.has(key)){ this.map.set(key,value); this.nummap.set(key,this.nummap.has(key)?this.nummap.get(key)+1:1); } else{ if(this.map.size == this.max){ let keys = Array.from(this.nummap.keys()); let cnt = Infinity,tmp; //找到次数最小并且访问最早的 for(let item of keys){ if(this.nummap.get(item)<cnt){cnt=this.nummap.get(item);tmp=item;} } //同时删掉两个map中该key的数据 this.map.delete(tmp); this.nummap.delete(tmp); this.map.set(key,value); this.nummap.set(key,this.nummap.has(key)?this.nummap.get(key)+1:1); }else{ this.map.set(key,value); this.nummap.set(key,this.nummap.has(key)?this.nummap.get(key)+1:1); } } }; /** * lfu design * @param operators int整型二维数组 ops * @param k int整型 the k * @return int整型一维数组 */ function LFU( operators , k ) { // write code here let obj = new Solution(k); let res = []; for(let i=0;i<operators.length;i++){ let op = operators[i]; //进行set if(op[0]==1){ obj.set(op[1],op[2]); } //进行get else{ res.push(obj.get(op[1])); } } return res; } module.exports = { LFU : LFU };