c++ goto 语句的使用
在c++中 1.1. 向前跳转:跳出变量的作用域
Object obj;
int d;
std::cout << a << " ";
a = a - 2;
if (a != 0) {
goto label; // jumps out of scope of obj, calls obj destructor召唤lable~goto
scalar types declared without initializers :如int a=4,错;int a;
class types with trivial default constructors and trivial destructors declared without initializers :即使类对象中不能有显式构造、析构函数。注明:如果类成员中,有一些变量,如开辟了内存,定义了指针,则一定要定义显式析构函数,否则内存泄漏。
cv-qualified versions of one of the above 可在运行期间被修改和源代码中被修改的上述类型变量
arrays of one of the above (Note: the same rules apply to all forms of transfer of control)
std::cout << '\n';
// goto can be used to leave a multi-level loop easily
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
std::cout << "(" << x << ";" << y << ") " << '\n';
if (x + y >= 3) {
goto endloop;
std::cout << '\n';
goto label2; // jumps into the scope of n and t
int n; // no initializer
Trivial t; // trivial ctor/dtor, no initializer
// int x = 1; // error: has initializer
// Object obj2; // error: non-trivial dtor
Object obj3;
goto label3; // jumps forward, out of scope of obj3
std::cout << '\n';