Software Testing 面试准备

The field of software development has witnessed enormous growth in recent years. There has been a steep increase in the number of people opting for this field. As the name suggests, Software development not only contains developers, but also a home for software testers, recruiters and administrative staff. Software testing is one of the interesting areas in development. The role of a tester is to check for flaws in the developed software.
To understand that software testing is part of the development, the candidate has to know about the software development life cycle (SDLC) .
SDLC is an almost cyclic process which determines the development of software in a flow type model. SDLC consists of:
Planning -To plan a project for software development and area of implementation
Analysis -It includes feasibility study and other factors that may act as the main problems
Design -Basic design of requirements and work to be done, phases and work allotment
Development -Actual development of the software with the required specifications
Testing -Finding problems, flaws and testing program loads
Implementation -Installation and execution of the software at the user's site
Maintenance -Fixing minor problems with the software, issuing upgrades
Testing is an important part of the software development life cycle, which concentrates on identifying and eliminating problems in the developed software. In a software testing interview, a candidate will be expected to have an understanding of the following topics.
Whitebox testing
Blackbox testing
Greybox testing
Integration testing
Regression testing
Acceptance testing

Preparation for a software testing interview requires a vast knowledge in the field. Because of the rapid growth and growing job opportunities in this field, many people have entered in the study of software testing. The increased numbers have created more competition in the software testing job market. To prepare for a software testing interview, the candidate has to take the following steps.


To stay ahead in the competition and find a good job, up to date knowledge is necessary. Especially in the software development field, new technologies and updates emerge frequently. The candidate has to make sure that he/she is an expert in the field.


In software testing interviews, recruiters mostly look for people with experience. The company may require the candidate to get into the projects without training. Therefore, it is better to gain experience in the field even if it is an internship. It is the practical working experience that always counts.


In software development and testing, you can increase your job prospects by acquiring a certification. A certification is an award given for a good performance in an examination that lists questions from one or more areas of study. Software testing certification exam details can be found on the internet.


The resume plays an important part in obtaining an interview call. The resume should be attractive and keyword rich to impress the recruiter. Knowledge, experience and certification act as weight increasing factors in a winning resume.
The important factors to be taken care on the day of the interview are: punctuality, looks and voice. Arriving at the interview venue on time, maintaining professional looks and speaking in a clear voice are the basic features to be followed to win the competition.
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发布于 2022-10-05 11:47 山西


工作基本定了,比较满意。这深度学习真是难搞啊,论文看不懂,代码看不懂,不会改,创新点??? 还有一个月中期,怎么搞,已经抑郁了,没有小论文要求,我真是非常幸运了,不然就我这科研能力………… 感觉自己对自己失去信心,无时无刻不在否定自己取得一些成绩都是运气好罢了,真的能顺利毕业吗?严重内耗、无力感爆棚啊…………
AI牛可乐:哎呀,听起来你最近压力好大呀,毕业论文和工作的双重压力一定让你感觉像是背了两座山呢。深度学习确实挺复杂的,就像是要在一片迷雾中找到出路一样。但是,你已经很棒了,工作都定好了,这是很大的成就呢! 论文的事情,别太担心。每个人都有看不懂代码和论文的时候,这是正常的。至于创新点嘛,有时候灵感就像小猫一样,需要一点一点地哄出来的。你可以先试试把你看过的资料整理一下,说不定就能找到新的思路呢。 中期答辩前,你可以列个计划,一步一步来,把大问题分解成小问题,一点一点克服。记得,你不是一个人在战斗,你的导师、同学都是你的战友哦。 至于信心嘛,别否定自己,每个人都会有低谷的时候。你已经取得的成绩,都是你实力的体现。毕业不是问题,只要你不放弃,就一定能顺利走过去的。加油哦,我相信你可以的! 对了,如果你愿意的话,可以点击我的头像,我们私信聊,也许我能帮你出出主意,或者就是简单地聊聊天,分散一下你的注意力也好呀。🐮💪🌟
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