MS phone interview
- introduce yourself
- why Morgan Stanley
- introduce your first projects,the process of your project(upstream and downstream)
- the usage of kafka in your project
- tell me about the multistreaming in your first project
- how do you calculate the offsets of kafka
- how many partitions each topic?
- what's the data volume of your project?
- how hashmap works
- tell me the detail of hashmap resize process
- do you know design patterns,which one mostly used,tell me the using scenario
- tell me about indexs,how it works
data structure
- sort algorithms and their time complexity
- tell me the details of merge sort
- which are stable
- is bubble sort stable, why
- climbing stairs. each time one step or two step. how to calculate the ways to the final stair? time complexity? for loop end statement?
open questions and behaviorl questions
- Given a scenario, you have all kinds of complex data. how to design a recommanding system
- tell me situation you have conflict with others
- tell me the difficult times you faced with. did you communicate with others. how did you solved it