from collections import Counter,defaultdict n = int(input()) s = input() dic = defaultdict(lambda : []) for i in range(n-1): a,b = list(map(int,input().split())) dic[a].append(b) cnt = Counter(s) res = 0 def dfs(x,tmp_dic): global res if x not in dic: tmp_dic[s[x-1]] = tmp_dic.get(s[x-1],0) + 1 return tmp_dic for i in dic[x]: tag = dfs(i,{}) for z in tag.keys(): tmp_dic[z] = tmp_dic.get(z,0) + tag[z] tmp_dic[s[x-1]] = tmp_dic.get(s[x-1],0) + 1 if len(tmp_dic)==3 and (cnt['r'] - tmp_dic['r']>0 and cnt['g'] - tmp_dic['g']>0 and cnt['b'] - tmp_dic['b']>0): res += 1 return tmp_dic dfs(1,{}) print(res)