题解 | #对试卷得分做min-max归一化#
- 创建子表t,记录每个归一化的成绩
- 最大值:max(score)over(partition by exam_id)
- 最小值:min(score)over(partition by exam_id)
- 归一化之后的新值:if(最大=最小,原值,归一化的值)
- 条件:成绩不为空 and 难度困难,where...and
with t as ( select uid, exam_id, if(max(score) over(partition by exam_id) = min(score) over(partition by exam_id), score, (score-min(score) over(partition by exam_id))/(max(score) over(partition by exam_id)-min(score) over(partition by exam_id)) ) as new_score from exam_record where score is not null and exam_id in( select distinct exam_id from examination_info where difficulty = 'hard' ) )
- 从t表中选择要的值
- 平均值:avg()
- 保留小数:round()
- 分组:group by uid,exam_id
- 排序:order by exam_id,avg_new_score desc
- 无序列表内容
select uid, exam_id, round(avg(new_score)*100,0) as avg_new_score from t group by uid,exam_id order by exam_id,avg_new_score desc
- 合并
with t as ( select uid, exam_id, if(max(score) over(partition by exam_id) = min(score) over(partition by exam_id), score, (score-min(score) over(partition by exam_id))/(max(score) over(partition by exam_id)-min(score) over(partition by exam_id)) ) as new_score from exam_record where score is not null and exam_id in( select distinct exam_id from examination_info where difficulty = 'hard' ) ) select uid, exam_id, round(avg(new_score)*100,0) as avg_new_score from t group by uid,exam_id order by exam_id,avg_new_score desc