题解 | #某店铺的各商品毛利率及店铺整体毛利率#
1. 首先,子查询:where
中 筛选 202110
,按 product_id
分组,用 count(*)
统计出展示数,用 sum()
with tb as( select product_id, count(*) show_cnt, sum(if_click) click_cnt, sum(if_cart) cart_cnt, sum(if_payment) pay_cnt, sum(if_refund) refund_cnt from tb_user_event where date_format(event_time, '%Y%m') = '202110' group by product_id )
2. 然后按照相应计算规则计算各个比率,这里用 if
时才返回正常计算结果,最后还要 round()
select product_id, round(if(show_cnt = 0, 0, click_cnt / show_cnt), 3) ctr, round(if(click_cnt = 0, 0, cart_cnt / click_cnt), 3) cart_rate, round(if(cart_cnt = 0, 0, pay_cnt / cart_cnt), 3) payment_rate, round(if(pay_cnt = 0, 0, refund_cnt / pay_cnt), 3) refund_rate from tb order by product_id
3. 附上总体代码:
with tb as( select product_id, count(*) show_cnt, sum(if_click) click_cnt, sum(if_cart) cart_cnt, sum(if_payment) pay_cnt, sum(if_refund) refund_cnt from tb_user_event where date_format(event_time, '%Y%m') = '202110' group by product_id ) select product_id, round(if(show_cnt = 0, 0, click_cnt / show_cnt), 3) ctr, round(if(click_cnt = 0, 0, cart_cnt / click_cnt), 3) cart_rate, round(if(cart_cnt = 0, 0, pay_cnt / cart_cnt), 3) payment_rate, round(if(pay_cnt = 0, 0, refund_cnt / pay_cnt), 3) refund_rate from tb order by product_id