【操作系统选择题·三】进程 -英-做题
To access the services of operating system, the interface is provided by the ___________
A. System calls
C. Library
D. Assembly instructions
Which one of the following is not true?
A. kernel is the program that constitutes the central core of the operating system
B. kernel is the first part of operating system to load into memory during booting
C. kernel is made of various modules which can not be loaded in running operating system
D. kernel remains in the memory during the entire computer session
What is the main function of the command interpreter?
A. to get and execute the next user-specified command
B. to provide the interface between the API and application program
C. to handle the files in operating system
D. none of the mentioned
The OS X has ____________
A. monolithic kernel
B. hybrid kernel
C. microkernel
D. monolithic kernel with modules
The systems which allow only one process execution at a time, are called __________
A. uniprogramming systems
B. uniprocessing systems
C. unitasking systems
D. none of the mentioned
In operating system, each process has its own __________
A. address space and global variables
B. open files
C.pending alarms, signals and signal handlers
D.all of the mentioned
What is the ready state of a process?
A. when process is scheduled to run after some execution
B.when process is unable to run until some task has been completed
C.when process is using the CPU
D.none of the mentioned
What is interprocess communication?
A. communication within the process
B.communication between two process
C.communication between two threads of same process
D.none of the mentioned
A process stack does not contain __________
A. Function parameters
B.Local variables
C.Return addresses
D.PID of child process
Which system call returns the process identifier of a terminated child?
A. wait
A Process Control Block(PCB) does not
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