Morgan Stanley 摩根士丹利电话面试经验
- Introduce Youself
- Your understanding about Morgan Stanley
- All Objects has a base class, tell me the name of it, what are the methods in this class
- Do you know hashmap, If we want to create a new Student class, why should we override the equals() method?
- Stack and Queue
- ArrayList and LinkedList,Whats the diff?how to choose them when coding?
- Constructor and Deconstructor
- Do you know index? explain it, what's the disadvantage of using index?
- Do you know join? Three table, Student contains student name and id,Department contains the Department information. Scores contains all the student's score information. Which join should we use? Tell me the SQL statements.
- Application, Have you tested that who can use the api? How to presever the user information
- leetcode 415 GIven two very very long number strings, add them.