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- STCA:Bing、M365、Ads、MMX、Sharepoint、Teams、Edge、MSAI、NLP等,base北京、苏州
- Cloud + AI:Azure、DevDiv等,base北京、上海
- MSRA:微软亚洲研究院包括:自然用户界面、新一代多媒体、以数字为中心的计算、互联网搜索与在线广告、计算机科学基础,base北京、上海
- CMD:Cloud Management Desktop,base苏州
Cloud + AI seeks to enable organizations in two core ways to:
• Engage with their customers more effectively and grow their revenue
• Optimize business operations to improve employee productivity
Cloud + AI enables Microsoft to be a unique player in today’s market as a key participant in conversations to help customers achieve their goals. In fact, over 90% of the Fortune 500 use the Microsoft Cloud today, and Cloud + AI facilitates the market leadership exhibited by Microsoft with products and solutions in areas such as Cloud Infrastructure, Developer Tools and Services, Enterprise Mobility and Security, Business Applications and Data& AI.
CMD (Cloud Managed Desktop) is creating a brand-new way of experiencing and managing windows, our mission is fundamentally change how organization and people deploy and use Windows. We are aiming to provide effective, reliable, secure, scalable hybrid working experience to our customers. Our team is funded in Suzhou since 2019, successfully landed 3 product lines Intune, MMD (Microsoft Managed Desktop), Windows 365 in Suzhou and quickly grow to 180+ people team, we are still boosting our engineer team growth as incredibly positive and strong business growth opportunity in the market!
As an integral part of the global team working on core products with core technology, Software Technology Center Asia (STCA) plays a significant role contributing to overall Microsoft applications and services products development. It is dedicated to the development for many Microsoft applications and services products such as Microsoft 365, Bing, Azure, as well as internet and mobile related products. The team is focused on a wide spectrum of technologies including machine learning, natural language processing, cloud computing, big data, search engine and online advertising, web and browser. Located in Beijing, Suzhou, Taipei and Tokyo, Software Technology Center Asia (STCA) has more than 2000 R&D employees.