【eBay】Category Management and Merchandising team intern

职位:Category Management and Merchandising team intern-eBay

Job Description: 1. Participate in whole and deep business analytics project 2. Use SPARK SQL and BI tools to retrieve data according to business requirements 3. Use Python to automate business process and analyze data 4. Support Merchandising team on deals and campaigns operation 5. Communicate & collect business information with eBay sellers and Account Managers; 6. Create related business tickets in eBays internal tools 工作内容: 1. 有机会参与完整深入的商业分析项目 2. 使用SPARK SQL和BI工具取数 3. 使用Python自动化业务流程&数据分析 4. 完成日常促销活动相关工作 5. 与eBay卖家和客户经理沟通,收集活动所需的商业信息 6. 使用内部工具创建合同

Requirement: 1. Bachelor/Master degree, no restriction on major 2. Good oral and written communication skills in English, qualified with CET 6 or better 3. Good knowledge in SQL; basic knowledge in Python (pandas, numpy etc.) 4. Familiar with Excel skills, including but not limited in vlookup, pivot table 5. Quick learner, self-motivated, flexible to take different tasks at one time 6. Experience in data mining is a plus 7. Prefer 6 months internship commitment and at least 4 days/week attendance 应聘条件: 1. 本科或研究生在读 2. 英语水平优秀 3. 熟练掌握SQL(硬性要求),了解Python及常用包 4. 熟练使用Excel,包括但不限于vlookup等函数、数据透视表 5. 勤学好问,自我驱动,多任务处理能力强 6. 有数据挖掘经历者优先 7. 至少每周出勤4天,持续时间6个月以上

工作城市:上海 | 职位类别:数据
薪资:150-200元/天  |  实习要求:4天/周,6个月以上  |  转正机会:没有




09-24 12:15
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