【Artefact公司】Data engineer (需要有开发经验 长期有效)

职位:Data engineer (需要有开发经验 长期有效)-Artefact公司

Artefact是法国一家已上市的Data咨询公司,致力于帮助客户发掘数据的价值。 What you will be doing: Key responsibilities As a Data Engineer, your role will encompass: ● Conducting ambitious projects in the transformation of clients through data ● Collaborating with the other Divisions (Activation, Creativity, and Strategy) to provide comprehensive services to your clients ● Developing privileged relationships with our clients, using your technical abilities to assist in the transformation of their marketing department Among your responsibilities as a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for: Performing data projects ● Securing delivery on your projects ● Communicating the success of your projects among the company ● Working closely with your Consulting counterpart to build and maintain strong relationships with your clients and best understand their needs ● Ensuring that your solutions are bringing values to the client problematic ● Being a good team player, knowing your role and responsibility in the global ambition ● Caring for the happiness of the team, ensuring work is delivered to a high standard and providing feedback and mentoring Being a great tech person ● Demonstrating the skill and credibility required to ensure the success of our clients’ initiatives ● Researching and developing new technical approaches to address problems efficiently ● Sharing best practices and contributing to Artefact’s institutional knowledge ● Embodying Artefact’s values and inspiring others to do the same ● Experience working with Big Data technologies such as Hadoop, Spark, Kafka... ● Delivering Data Lake / Big Data projects including (data ingestion, machine learning model application, code deployment) ● Being able to adapt your solutions and approaches to technical environment (security, access, tools)

Qualifications :Education and Experience ● Bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer engineering, or related fields ● 1+ years of hands-on experience developing and applying data-driven solutions ● Strong experience and knowledge of computer science, data processing and data architecture ● Intellectual curiosity and excellent problem-solving skills, including the ability to structure and prioritise an approach for maximum impact ● Experience in designing Data Integration / ETL ● Experience with Python, Linux, SQL, Cloud infrastructure and Docker ● Experience with Spark, BigQuery/ Redshift, Devops and Javascript is a plus

工作城市:上海 | 职位类别:数据
薪酬:薪资面议  |  学历要求:本科及以上  |  工作年限:1-3年


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发布于 2020-11-30 23:02


03-06 23:49
#大学生该如何认清当下的就业环境?# 我是一名非计算机专业转码的应届生,之前一直在为找私企工作做准备。刚开始,我对就业环境没什么概念,但通过这段时间的摸索,我慢慢认清了当下的形势,也有了些心得,想分享一下。       一开始,我以为只要学好专业课,找个私企工作应该不难。但刷了几天招聘网站后,我发现情况没那么简单。像我这种刚毕业的,基础开发岗位竞争太激烈了,很多私企更想要有经验的,或者技能更热门的人才。比如,我看到不少公司都在招AI、大数据方向的岗位,Python、云计算这些技能特别吃香。我赶紧报了个线上课程,学了点Python和TensorFlow,还试着做了几个小项目,希望能让简历好看些。后来,我还发现私企不光看技术,软技能也很重要。有次面试,我明显感觉自己表达不够流畅,回答问题也不够自信,估计这也是没通过的原因。所以,我开始找同学一起模拟面试,还参加了一些校内活动,想锻炼下团队合作和沟通能力。并且在经历过一些面试之后自己的经验也越来越丰富了,所以最好的感受还是得自己提前去了解。比如说参加师兄师姐的招聘会,以及各种宣讲会,但是真正的还是得靠自己参加真正的招聘,比如说秋招。另外,对于工作地点也有一些值得去思考的。大城市像北上广机会多,但房租贵、压力大;小城市生活轻松,可岗位少,发展也慢。我觉得还是得先找个有成长空间的公司,哪怕是小点的科技企业,只要能学到东西就行。最后,我发现光投简历效果不好,效率太低了。我开始找学长学姐帮忙内推,还改了好几遍简历,把实习和项目经历写得更详细些。就业环境确实挺严峻,但我觉得只要踏实准备,找准方向,总能找到适合自己的路。
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