英特尔(中国)研究中心招聘研发实习生,实习地点在北京,实习期6个月以上。 加入英特尔,您将有机会接触到最新的技术和前沿的研发项目,并亲身体验世界五百强企业的工作环境和文化氛围。 在这里除了收获宝贵的工作经验,您也将得到全面的发展。 参加公司内外丰富多样的活动,您将了解不同部门不同职位的工作特点和要求; 参加公司职业内部培训,以及不同领域的前沿讲座,您将更加全方位的了解职场生活; 与来自全国各地的,毕业于各大高校的同事共事,您将收获很多生活和职场经验。 可转正。 Job description(工作内容): - Research Visual AI and NLP algorithms to understand the sentence and contexts based on different scenarios.
Qualification(要求): - Knowledge and practice in machine learning, familiar with concepts like regression, sampling, Gaussian mixture model, Bayesian analysis, etc. - Knowledge of probability theory, familiar with concepts like discrete/continuous distributions, Bernoulli/Poisson/Markov processes, cross entropy, etc. - Strong programming skills (C/C++/Python), solid foundation in algorithm design and analysis. - Knowledge and interests in NLP, Speech Recognition, TTS should be preferred. - Knowledge of reinforcement learning should be preferred. - Knowledge of tools like Tensorflow, PyTorch, Matlab, OpenGL, OpenCV, CMake etc. should be preferred. - Good at team working
工作城市:北京 | 职位类别:算法
薪资:面议元/天 | 实习要求:4天/周,6个月以上 | 转正机会:有