m, n = list(map(int, input().strip().split())) # m个节点,n条边 has_child_node = set() # 存放非叶子节点 tree_graph = [[-1]*2 for _ in range(m+1)] # 行数为节点数+1,即结点下标索引从 1开始,第一列存放左孩子,第二列存放右孩子 for i in range(n): line = input().strip().split() node = int(line[0]) has_child_node.add(node) if line[1] == 'left': tree_graph[node][0] = int(line[2]) elif line[1] == 'right': tree_graph[node][1] = int(line[2]) res = 0 for node in has_child_node: left_child = tree_graph[node][0] right_child = tree_graph[node][1] if left_child != -1 and right_child != -1 and tree_graph[left_child][0] == -1 and tree_graph[left_child][1] == -1 and tree_graph[right_child][0] == -1 and tree_graph[right_child][1] == -1: res += 1 print(res)
给定一个字符串 s,问该字符串里有多少个长度大于 1的子串都是回文串?
strs = input() def getSubList(s, left, right, tmp): while left >= 0 and right < len(s) and s[left] == s[right]: subString = s[left:right+1] tmp.append(subString) left -= 1 right += 1 if len(strs) == 1: print(0) else: tmp = [] for i in range(len(strs)): getSubList(strs, i, i, tmp) getSubList(strs, i, i+1, tmp) res = 0 for s in tmp: if len(s) > 1: res += 1 print(res)
'a','b','c','x','y','z'在字符串中都恰好出现了偶数次(0 也是偶数)
strs = input() def helper(strs): for i in range(len(strs), 0, -1): for j in range(len(strs)-i+1): subString = strs[j: j+i] has_odd_zimu = True for zimu in ['a','b','c','x','y','z']: if subString.count(zimu) %2 != 0: has_odd_zimu = False break if has_odd_zimu: return i return 0 print(helper(strs))
小易的幸运数字是 7,现有一个整数数组 nums,请找出并返回能被 7整除的子集合(即不要求是连续的子数组)的最大和,如果找不到则返回 -1。
arrs = list(map(int, input().strip().split())) k = 7 n=len(arrs) dp=[0]*7 # dp[i]表示余数是 i的最大数组中元素的和。初始化为0。模 7的余数范围是 0~6,故 dp数组长度为 7。 dp[arrs[0]%7] = arrs[0] for i in range(1,n): # 迭代更新余数是 0-6的最大数组和的值。 dpc=dp.copy() for k in dpc: dp[(k+arrs[i])%7] = max(k+arrs[i], dp[(k+arrs[i])%7]) print(dp[0] if dp[0]!=0 else -1)#笔试题目##网易有道#