
1. 个人信息(personal information
姓名 Name:
应聘岗位:(I am applying for the position of)
毕业学校 graduate school:
学院 college:
专业 major:
手机号T N:
学号S N:
身份证号 ID Card N:

2. 自我介绍 self-introduction

3. Ask and answer
Q1: Please tell me about the projects(program) you have done and What role do you play in the project? 介绍一下你做过的项目和担任角色
In some activities, like .. I’m a leader and ...
In some competitions, I was mainly responsible for writing texts and defending for our team.
Q2:What is your most impressive project? 谈谈你映像深刻的项目(创青春)
。 program (is my most impressive project). I was mainly responsible for writing texts and defending for our team. From it, I first feel the importance of teamwork.
Q3:What is your understanding of the profession?对专业的理解
Q4:What is your major? 主修课程
Q5:Please talk about your understanding of your position?
对岗位(网络技术工程师Network Technology Engineer)的理解
I am applying for the position of network technology engineer. To be qualified for this position, first, I need to have technical knowledge, and secondly, I need text writing and integration skills and to be good at communicating with others.
Q6:What is your favorite course? 最喜欢哪门课?
Single-Chip and InterfaceTechnology was my favorite subjects because I am good at the flexible use ofknowledge.
Q7How much do you knowabout our company?对华为理解
Huaweicorporation is a leader in the industry and has high growth potential. As faras I know, this corporation is competitive, it can make employees full ofmotivation. Second, Huawei can broaden the horizons of them. What’s more, inthis corporation there are more opportunities that can improve personalabilities.
Q7Which city do you mostwant to work in?最想去哪个城市工作
Q8: Yourchoice in big company or small company? (big city or small city)
In my opinion, I prefer to workingin a big city. Firstly, the big cities are competitive, they can make me fullof motivation. Second, living in a big city can broaden the horizons of us andmake friends at the same time. What’s more, in a big city there are moreopportunities that can improve my personal abilities.
在我看来,我更喜欢在一个大城市工作。 首先,大城市具有竞争力,它们可以让我充满动力。 其次,生活在大城市可以拓宽我们的视野,同时结交朋友。 更重要的是,在一个大城市,有更多的机会可以提高我的个人能力。
Q9What do you usually doin your spare time? / What are your hobbies? 兴趣爱好
Q10: Could you introduce your hometown?
Q11: What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? (你自认自己最大的优劣势分别为何?)
My greatest weakness is that Ivalue leisure time spent with my family and therefore I treasure my weekendsand free time in the evenings. My greatest strength is my commitment to task. Istrive for excellence and always try to do my best.(我最大的缺点是我珍惜与家人相处的闲暇时间,所以我很重视周末与晚间休息的时间。我最大的优点是我对任务的执着,我追求卓越,总是努力把工作 做得尽善尽美。)
Q12: What do you think are your strongest skills? (你认为你最强的技能是什么?)
My strongest skill is tocommunicate with people and organize planning skills. I think solving customerproblem is a wonderful way to win customer loyalty, and I am happy to deal withany problems people may have.
我最强大的技能是与人沟通并组织规划技巧。 我认为解决客户问题是赢得客户忠诚度的绝佳方式,我很乐意处理人们可能遇到的任何问题
Q13. Why do you think we should employ you? (你认为我们为何要雇用你?)
I am suitable for the position, notonly because I have acquired the basic knowledges about automation, but alsobecause I am good at communicating and learning with others. I believe that mycharacter and ability can be put to be use in further developing your business.
Q14How would your friends or colleagues describe you? (你的朋友怎样形容你?)
A:(pause afewseconds)(稍等几秒钟再答,表示慎重考虑。)They say
Q15What is yourstrongest trait(s)? (你个性上最大的特点是什么?)
A:Helpfulness,caring, adaptability and sense of humor.
Q16: Why do you want to work for us? (你为什么想要替我们工作?)
Your company is aleader in the industry and has high growth potential. I wish to work for anestablished company where my talents and expertise can be fully put to use. Itseems clear to me that your company can challenge my abilities and provide agood opportunity for professional development.
Q17Current affairs hotspot时政热点问题
Sorry, I know a little about it but don’t know how to answer it.
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发布于 2019-11-18 13:17
emmm 总结的面经么
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发布于 2019-11-18 13:13


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