select p2.*,p7.growth
(select p1.channel_type,count(p1.uid)/count(distinct p1.uid)
from(select n.uid,n.channel_type,u.date,u.vid,u.tag
from new_user_info as n left join user_video as u
on n.uid=u.uid) as p1
where p1.date in ('20180710','20180711')
group by p1.channel_type) as p2
inner join
(select p4.channel_type,(p6.mean2-p4.mean1)/p4.mean1 as growth
(select p3.channel_type,count(p3.uid)/count(distinct p3.uid) as mean1
from(select n.uid,n.channel_type,u.date,u.vid,u.tag
from new_user_info as n left join user_video as u
on n.uid=u.uid) as p3
where p3.date = '20180710'
group by p3.channel_type) as p4
inner join
(select p5.channel_type,count(p5.uid)/count(distinct p5.uid) as mean2
from(select n.uid,n.channel_type,u.date,u.vid,u.tag
from new_user_info as n left join user_video as u
on n.uid=u.uid) as p5
where p5.date = '20180711'
group by p5.channel_type) as p6
on p4.channel_type=p6..channel_type
) as p7
select p1.uid
(select v.*,i.gender,i.age
from user_video v left join user_info i
on v.uid=i.uid) as p1
where p1.gender='女'
and p1.age<=25
and p1.tag='美食'
and p1.date in ('20190801','20190802','20190803','20190804','20190805','20190806','20190807')
group by p1.uid
having count(*)>10
select p2.uid
(select v.*,i.gender,i.age
from user_video v left join user_info i
on v.uid=i.uid) as p2
where p2.gender='女'
and p2.age<=25
and p2.tag='美食'
and p2.date ='20190808'
group by p2.uid
having count(*)<3;
select p.tag,max(p.fre)-min(p.fre)
(select tag,uid,count(*) as fre
from user_video
group by tag,uid) p
group by p.tag;