滴滴笔试 第一行包含一个整数n,表示算式的长度,即包含n个数字和n-1个运算符。(1≤n≤100000)。 第二行包含一个含有n个非0整数和n-1个运算符的算式,整数与运算符用空格隔开,运算符包括“+,-,*,/”,整数的绝对值不超过1000。 例: 输入: 6 3 + 2 + 1 + -4 * -5 + 1 输出: 1 + 2 + 3 + -5 * -4 + 1 n=int(input()) ss=input() s1=ss.split(' ') s2=[s for s in s1 if s not in ['+','-','*','/']] opt=[s for s in s1 if s in ['+','-','*','/']] flag=1 while flag: flag=0 for i in range(len(opt)): if int(s2[i])>int(s2[i+1]): if opt[i] == '+' and opt[i+1] not in ['*','/']: s2[i],s2[i+1]=s2[i+1],s2[i] flag=1 elif opt[i]=='*' and (i<1 or opt[i-1]!='/'): s2[i],s2[i+1]=s2[i+1],s2[i] flag=1 elif opt[i]=='/' and i>0 and opt[i-1]=='/': s2[i],s2[i+1]=s2[i+1],s2[i] flag=1 elif opt[i]=='-' and i>0 and opt[i-1]=='-': s2[i],s2[i+1]=s2[i+1],s2[i] flag=1 res='' for i in range(len(opt)): res+=s2[i] res+=' ' res+=opt[i] res+=' ' res+=s2[i+1] print(res)