京东笔试 考场安排 题解思考 (二分图最小顶点覆盖问题)
n代表了男生和女生的人数 其中男生序号[1, n] 女生 [n+1, 2n]
每行输入两个数 第一个代表了男生的序号 第二个代表了女生的序号 表示该男生和女生之间会在考试的时候作弊
我们最少把多少人踢出考场才能保证考场上的人不存在作弊行为 输出这个最小值 并且把踢出的人的序号按照升序排序输出
另附 最优打印策略(大小写切换)和合唱团分组问题的题解:https://www.nowcoder.com/discuss/232706
P.S. 贪心删除得到的不一定是正确结果,比如下面代码中的样例就是一个反例。
""" Bipartite graph problem minimum vertex cover == maximum matching (Konig algorithm) find maximum matching (Hungarian algorithm) """ class BiGraph(object): def __init__(self, vx, vy, edges): # vx, vy := the two vertex sets of the bipartite graph # edges := edge set self.vx = vx self.vy = vy self.edges = edges def isConnect(self, u, v): return (v, u) in self.edges or (u, v) in self.edges def maxMatching(self): # Hungarian algorithm # init match set M res = 0 Mx = {} My = {} for v in self.vx: if v not in Mx: res += self.augmentPath(Mx, My, v, set()) return res, Mx, My def augmentPath(self, Mx, My, v, visited): for u in self.vy: if self.isConnect(u, v) and u not in visited: visited.add(u) if u not in My or self.augmentPath(Mx, My, My[u], visited): Mx[v] = u My[u] = v return True return False def minVertexCover(self, Mx, My): # Konig algorithm minCover = self.vx # init non matched vx stack = [v for v in self.vx if v not in Mx] visited = set() while stack: v = stack.pop() visited.add(v) if v in self.vx: minCover.remove(v) for u in self.vy: if self.isConnect(u, v) and u not in visited: visited.add(u) minCover.add(u) if My[u] not in visited: stack.append(My[u]) return minCover if __name__ == '__main__': boys = {1, 2, 3, 4} girls = {5, 6, 7} edges = {(1, 5), (2, 5), (2, 6), (2, 7), (3, 6), (4, 7)} graph = BiGraph(boys, girls, edges) res, Mx, My = graph.maxMatching() minCover = graph.minVertexCover(Mx, My) remove_list = sorted(list(minCover)) print(res, remove_list)