今天阿里笔试凉凉, 第一题求交流

今天阿里笔试凉凉, 第一题求交流。虽然时间结束之后才写完写完,不知道能不能AC,求各位大佬指教。



import sys

def form_dict(info_lst):
    result_dict = {}
    for info in info_lst:
        if info[0] not in result_dict:
            result_dict[info[0]] = [info]
    return result_dict

info = sys.stdin.readline().strip().split(';')
info_dict = {}
for item in info:
    name, content = item.split('_')
    info_dict[name] = content.split('|')

keys = info_dict.keys()
for key in keys:
    info_dict[key] = form_dict(info_dict[key])

order = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
string = order
order = list(order)
result = []
i = 0
while i < len(order):
    for key in keys:
        if order[i] not in info_dict[key]:
            length = 0
            res = ''
            for name in info_dict[key][order[i]]:
                if ''.join(order[i: i + len(name)]) == name and len(name) > length:
                    res, length = name,len(name)
            if length > 0:
                result.append([i, i + length, key])
    i += 1

entity = []
status = []
for item in result:
    name = ''.join(order[item[0]: item[1]])
    if name not in entity:
        index = entity.index(name)
        index = entity.index(name)
    if len(status) > index:
        status[index] += ';' + item[2]

for i in range(len(entity)):
    string = string.replace(entity[i], ' {}/{} '.format(entity[i], status[i]))


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发布于 2018-09-07 21:46
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发布于 2018-09-07 21:56
import re def process_main3():     row1 = raw_input()     datas = {}     entity_str_list = row1.split(";")     for entity_str in entity_str_list:         entity_name, entity_values = entity_str.split("_")         entity_value_list = entity_values.split("|")         for entity_value in entity_value_list:             if datas.has_key(entity_value):                 datas[entity_value].append(entity_name)             else:                 datas[entity_value] = [entity_name]     entity_list = sorted(datas.keys(), reverse=True)     row2 = raw_input()     words = row2     result = {}     tmp_words = words     temp_entity = ""     count = 1     for entity_value in entity_list:         if entity_value in tmp_words:             location = re.search(entity_value, words)             local_tuple = location.span()             if temp_entity == "":                 temp_entity = entity_value                 temp_tuple = local_tuple             else:                 result[temp_entity] = datas[temp_entity]                 tmp_words = tmp_words.replace(temp_entity, "|&{}&|".format(count))                 count += 1                 temp_entity = entity_value                 temp_tuple = local_tuple         else:             if temp_entity != "":                 result[temp_entity] = datas[temp_entity]                 tmp_words = tmp_words.replace(temp_entity, "|&{}&|".format(count))                 count += 1                 temp_entity = ""     if temp_entity != "":         result[temp_entity] = datas[temp_entity]         tmp_words = tmp_words.replace(temp_entity, "|&{}&|".format(count))     final_list = sorted(result.keys(), reverse=True)     for index in xrange(len(final_list)):         st = ",".join(result[final_list[index]])         new_str = " " + final_list[index] + "/" + st + " "         tmp_words = tmp_words.replace("|&{}&|".format(index + 1), new_str)     print " ".join(tmp_words.split()) if __name__ == '__main__':     # main_process()     process_main3() # singer_周杰|周杰伦|刘德华|王力宏;song_冰雨|北京欢迎你|七里香;actor_周杰伦|孙俪 # 请播放周杰伦的七里香给周杰伦周杰孙俪听周杰王力宏
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发布于 2018-09-07 22:26
我的方法也很暴力。。。 # coding=utf-8 import sys # 求特征的最大长度和最短长度 def max_min_ftv_length(features):     max = 0     min = 1000     for ftvs in features.values():         for ftv in ftvs:             if max < len(ftv):                 max = len(ftv)             if min > len(ftv):                 min = len(ftv)     return max, min # 最大正向匹配 def max_length_fit(fts, seq, mxfl, mnfl):     res_seq = ''     num = 0 # 统计实体属于特征类型的种类数     mid = 0     for i in range(len(seq)):         left = right = 0         if i+mxfl<len(seq) and i+mnfl<len(seq):             left = i + mnfl             right = i + mxfl + 1         elif i+mxfl>=len(seq) and i+mnfl<len(seq):             left = i + mnfl             right = len(seq) + 1         else:             continue         if(num != 0): #说明已经匹配到输入字符串最右端             break;         #print(left,right)         for j in range(left,right):# 只对特征最小长度到最大长度的区间进行搜索             #print(i,j,seq[i:j])             for ftk in fts.keys():                 if num==0:# 判定条件1:当前字符串能够匹配特征,多加一个字符就匹配不上,便是最大匹配                           # 判定条件2:当前字符串能够匹配特征,且已经到输入字符串最右端,便是最大匹配                     if (seq[i:j] in fts[ftk] and j!=len(seq) and seq[i:j+1] not in fts[ftk]) or (seq[i:j] in fts[ftk] and j==len(seq)):                         res_seq = res_seq + seq[mid:i] + ' ' + seq[i:j] + '/' + ftk                         num = num + 1                         mid = j                 elif (seq[i:j] in fts[ftk] and j!=len(seq) and seq[i:j+1] not in fts[ftk]) or (seq[i:j] in fts[ftk] and j==len(seq)):                     res_seq = res_seq + ',' + ftk             if num != 0 and j!=len(seq):                 #print('num',num,'j',j)                 res_seq = res_seq + ' '                 num = 0                 break;     if mid != len(seq)-1:         res_seq = res_seq + seq[mid:]     return res_seq if __name__ == '__main__':          #feature = sys.stdin.readline().strip()     #sequence = sys.stdin.readline().strip()     feature = "singer_周杰|周杰伦|刘德华|王力宏;song_冰雨|北京欢迎你|七里香;actor_周杰伦|孙俪"     sequence = "请播放周杰伦的七里香给周杰伦周杰孙俪听周杰王力宏"     features = {}     feature = feature.split(';')     for ft in feature:         ft = ft.split('_')         features[ft[0]] = ft[1].split('|')     mxfl, mnfl = max_min_ftv_length(features)     result = max_length_fit(features, sequence, mxfl, mnfl)     print(result)
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发布于 2018-09-07 22:42
同样交卷了才写完 what the *** whatever # -*- coding=utf-8 -*- import sys from collections import defaultdict def main(string, word): res = defaultdict(list) for item in word: if string.startswith(item): length = len(item) res[item].append(item) process(string[length:], word, res[item]) return get_best(res) def process(string, word, res_item): if string == '': return for item in word: if string.startswith(item): length = len(item) res_item.append(item) process(string[length:], word, res_item) def get_best(res): values = res.values() max_sum = (0, 0) for item in values: cur_sum = 0 for _ in item: cur_sum += len(_) ** 2 max_sum = (cur_sum, item) if max_sum[0] < cur_sum else max_sum return ' '.join(max_sum[-1]) if __name__ == "__main__": # string = sys.stdin.readline().strip() # n = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip()) # word = [] # for i in range(n): # word.append(sys.stdin.readline().strip()) string = 'asdfjkl' word = ['as', 'asd', 'df', 'fjkl', 'jkl'] print(main(string, word))
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发布于 2018-09-07 22:43
我想了个例子 singer_周杰|周杰伦|刘德华|Bob_Dylan|王力宏;song_冰雨|You_belong_to_me|七里香;actor_周杰伦|孙俪 Bob_Dylan,,You_belong_to_me,楼主的预处理就挂了。。当然我的也一样
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发布于 2018-09-07 22:52
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发布于 2018-09-07 22:53


03-14 18:48
重庆大学 C++
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