字节跳动国际化商业产品运营面经(日常实习) 已上岸
一面 3.28 下午3点,面试总时长38mins
内部服务平台,服务于tiktok商业化,用户是tiktok全球销售团队,帮助管理业绩,帮助优化广告主账户等。产品刚做出来,需要大规模推广。日常工作涉及到日常培训,用户答疑,go-to-market strategy
Q1: 自我介绍
Q2: 实习经历比较多,选择一个自己参与度比较高并且对成果相对满意的一个项目进行详细说明
Q3: 继续针对我的上一个回答进行提问,对你来说最困难的是哪部分工作?
Q4: (scenario question) assume that you are the project owner and the project involves cross-functional work, which means you have to leverage resources from different departments to make it happen. The problem now is that the deadline of your project is right around the corner, maybe next week, and now one member of your project who is from other department doesn’t respond very quickly. There exists high risk of delaying the whole project, what will you do to address this kind of challenge?
Q5: 继续就上一个场景提问,you talked to that member and he told you that he knew the importance of this project to you, but the problem is that this project is not the highest priority for him. And also you talked to other members of his department, maybe his boss, and you were informed that he is the only one that can take responsibility of your project because his department is short of hand. This means he is the only resource that you got, what would you do then?
Q6: (related to marketing)the position that you are interviewing is called product operation, but it is also called the product marketing manager in Tiktok. Assume that you are working with the product marketing manager and you are responsible for go-to-market work of product A. and you know that other internal teams use product B. A&B are both for external selling and they share some similarities. This marketing concept is called Cannibalization(我一开始没听懂这个名词概念,后来反问了一下),可能面试官觉得用英文说不清楚,转而用中文和我解释:两个产品相似,销售在和广告主sell产品的时候会觉得比较困惑,这两个产品服务的场景有很大的相似度,这个营销学上的概念叫“蚕食”。从你的理解,这种产品之间的蚕食是好的还是不好的,你怎么来看这个case
Q7: 针对我最近一份京东用户运营实习进行提问,怎么提高用户的留存,包括次留和7日留存?根据自己的理解和实习中观察到的情况说明一下
内部服务平台,服务于tiktok商业化,用户是tiktok全球销售团队,帮助管理业绩,帮助优化广告主账户等。产品刚做出来,需要大规模推广。日常工作涉及到日常培训,用户答疑,go-to-market strategy
Q1: 自我介绍
Q2: 实习经历比较多,选择一个自己参与度比较高并且对成果相对满意的一个项目进行详细说明
Q3: 继续针对我的上一个回答进行提问,对你来说最困难的是哪部分工作?
Q4: (scenario question) assume that you are the project owner and the project involves cross-functional work, which means you have to leverage resources from different departments to make it happen. The problem now is that the deadline of your project is right around the corner, maybe next week, and now one member of your project who is from other department doesn’t respond very quickly. There exists high risk of delaying the whole project, what will you do to address this kind of challenge?
Q5: 继续就上一个场景提问,you talked to that member and he told you that he knew the importance of this project to you, but the problem is that this project is not the highest priority for him. And also you talked to other members of his department, maybe his boss, and you were informed that he is the only one that can take responsibility of your project because his department is short of hand. This means he is the only resource that you got, what would you do then?
Q6: (related to marketing)the position that you are interviewing is called product operation, but it is also called the product marketing manager in Tiktok. Assume that you are working with the product marketing manager and you are responsible for go-to-market work of product A. and you know that other internal teams use product B. A&B are both for external selling and they share some similarities. This marketing concept is called Cannibalization(我一开始没听懂这个名词概念,后来反问了一下),可能面试官觉得用英文说不清楚,转而用中文和我解释:两个产品相似,销售在和广告主sell产品的时候会觉得比较困惑,这两个产品服务的场景有很大的相似度,这个营销学上的概念叫“蚕食”。从你的理解,这种产品之间的蚕食是好的还是不好的,你怎么来看这个case
Q7: 针对我最近一份京东用户运营实习进行提问,怎么提高用户的留存,包括次留和7日留存?根据自己的理解和实习中观察到的情况说明一下
3.面试反馈,寻求可能的提高点——思考感兴趣的产品方向(B or C),并且需要对产品所在领域进行全面深入的了解
二面 3.30 上午11点 面试总时长25mins
Q1: 自我介绍
Q2: 提到之前在京东的用户运营,你觉得用户运营和你现在面的商业化产品运营的差别是什么?
Q3: 继续就我的回答提问,举个例子呢?你觉得有哪些可能是你没接触到的部分?
Q4: 京东运营实习中,你遇到的最大的困难是什么?怎么克服的?
Q5: 从京东运营实习收获了什么成长?对你未来有什么帮助?
Q6: 如果要提高产品某个已有功能的使用率,你觉得可以从哪些方面去入手?
Q7: 未来职业规划
Q8: 怎么看互联网工作强度大这个问题?
Q9: 最快到职时间和实习时长
Q10: 如果无转正机会怎么办
1.再次确认工作内容——广告产品的理解,具体负责CRM系统里面某个功能的运营,documentation,training,go-to-market strategy;用户调研等
3.面试反馈——market sense,未来可以多针对具体产品特性多思考,多去思考业务需要什么会更加分
Q1: 自我介绍
Q2: 提到之前在京东的用户运营,你觉得用户运营和你现在面的商业化产品运营的差别是什么?
Q3: 继续就我的回答提问,举个例子呢?你觉得有哪些可能是你没接触到的部分?
Q4: 京东运营实习中,你遇到的最大的困难是什么?怎么克服的?
Q5: 从京东运营实习收获了什么成长?对你未来有什么帮助?
Q6: 如果要提高产品某个已有功能的使用率,你觉得可以从哪些方面去入手?
Q7: 未来职业规划
Q8: 怎么看互联网工作强度大这个问题?
Q9: 最快到职时间和实习时长
Q10: 如果无转正机会怎么办
1.再次确认工作内容——广告产品的理解,具体负责CRM系统里面某个功能的运营,documentation,training,go-to-market strategy;用户调研等
3.面试反馈——market sense,未来可以多针对具体产品特性多思考,多去思考业务需要什么会更加分
HR面 3.30 下午3点半 全程20mins左右
1. 自我介绍
2. 为什么从hr转运营
3. 京东运营中最让你觉得enjoyable的部分是什么?
4. 京东运营实习里面你最不喜欢的部分是什么?
5. 如何看待加班强度大这个问题?
6. 字节hr实习的时候压力大吗?如果让你继续回到那个高压的环境,你会怎么做?
7. 如何评价你自己
1. 再次确认岗位的转正机会
2. 时差问题对工作时间的具体影响
3. 办公地点等细节