题解 | #国庆期间每类视频点赞量和转发量#
- 按日期分组,统计出每天的点赞数,每天的转发量。
- 并且与视频信息表链接,选出tag
with t as (select tag, date(start_time) dt,
sum(if_like) like_cnt,
sum(if_retweet) retweet_cnt
from tb_user_video_log left join tb_video_info using(video_id)
where year(start_time)=2021
group by tag, date(start_time))
with t as (select tag, date(start_time) dt,
sum(if_like) like_cnt,
sum(if_retweet) retweet_cnt
from tb_user_video_log left join tb_video_info using(video_id)
where year(start_time)=2021
group by tag, date(start_time))
- 条件要求日期在7天之内
- 可以直接写上'2021-10-01',可以从表格里选出来这个单独的字段
- 按照tag分组
select tag, '2021-10-01' d_t,sum(like_cnt), max(retweet_cnt)
from t
where dt between date_sub('2021-10-01', interval 6 day) and '2021-10-01'
group by tag
from t
where dt between date_sub('2021-10-01', interval 6 day) and '2021-10-01'
group by tag
这只是在以国庆节第一天为起始时间的七天内统计出的数据,还有第二三天的,用union all上下拼接
union all
select tag, '2021-10-02' d_t,sum(like_cnt), max(retweet_cnt)
from t
where dt between date_sub('2021-10-02', interval 6 day) and '2021-10-02'
group by tag
from t
where dt between date_sub('2021-10-02', interval 6 day) and '2021-10-02'
group by tag
union all
select tag, '2021-10-03' d_t,sum(like_cnt), max(retweet_cnt)
from t
where dt between date_sub('2021-10-03', interval 6 day) and '2021-10-03'
group by tag
from t
where dt between date_sub('2021-10-03', interval 6 day) and '2021-10-03'
group by tag
order by tag desc,d_t