题解 | #学英语#
def get_twenty(x): if x % 10 == 0 and x != 10: return dict_2[str(x)[0]] elif x > 20: y = str(x)[0] z = str(x)[1:] return dict_2[y] + ' ' + dict_1[str(int(z))] return dict_1[str(x)] def get_hundred(x): if x <= 20: return get_twenty(x) y = str(x)[0] z = str(x)[1:] if x % 10 == 0 and x < 100: return dict_2[str(x)[0]] elif x % 100 == 0 and x != 100: return f'{get_twenty(y)} hundred' elif x == 100: return 'one hundred' elif x == 1000: return 'one thousand' elif x > 100: return dict_1[y] + ' hundred and ' + get_twenty(int(z)) elif 20 < x < 100: return dict_2[y] + ' ' + get_twenty(int(z)) else: return dict_1[y] + get_twenty(int(z)) def get_thousand(x): y = str(x)[0:-3] z = str(x)[-3:] if x % 1000 == 0: return f'{get_twenty(y)} thousand' elif x == 10000: return 'ten thousand' else: return get_hundred(int(y)) + ' thousand ' + get_hundred(int(z)) def get_million(x): y = str(x)[0:-6] z = str(x)[-6:] if x % 1000000 == 0: return f'{get_twenty(y)} million' else: return get_hundred(int(y)) + ' million ' + get_thousand(int(z)) while True: try: input_res = int(input()) dict_1 = { '1': 'one', '2': 'two', '3': 'three', '4': 'four', '5': 'five', '6': 'six', '7': 'seven', '8': 'eight', '9': 'nine', '10': 'ten', '11': 'eleven', '12': 'twelve', '13': 'thirteen', '14': 'fourteen', '15': 'fifteen', '16': 'sixteen', '17': 'seventeen', '18': 'eighteen', '19': 'nineteen', '20': 'twenty', } dict_2 = { '2': 'twenty', '3': 'thirty', '4': 'forty', '5': 'fifty', '6': 'sixty', '7': 'seventy', '8': 'eighty', '9': 'ninety', } if input_res <= 20: res = get_twenty(input_res) elif 20 < input_res <= 100: res = get_hundred(input_res) elif 100 < input_res <= 1000: res = get_hundred(input_res) elif 1000 < input_res < 1000000: res = get_thousand(input_res) elif 1000000 <= input_res: res = get_million(input_res) else: res = '' print(res) except EOFError: break