题解 | #根据指定记录是否存在输出不同情况#
稍微有点复杂,分成是否有0级用户未完成数大于2的两种情况union all起来
start_time 不为null 且 submit_time 为null时才是未完成,记数1
select t1.uid,sum(case when submit_time is null and start_time is null then 0 when submit_time is null and start_time is not null then 1 end) as incomplete_cnt, round(sum(case when submit_time is null and start_time is null then 0 when submit_time is null and start_time is not null then 1 end)/count(1),3) as incomplete_rate from user_info t1 left join exam_record t2 on t1.uid = t2.uid where level = 0 and 0 < ( select count(1) as cn from ( select t1.uid,count(1) as incomplete_cnt from user_info t1 join exam_record t2 on t1.uid = t2.uid where level = 0 and submit_time is null group by t1.uid having count(1) > 2 ) t ) group by t1.uid union all select uid,sum(if(submit_time is null,1,0)) as incomplete_cnt, round(sum(if(submit_time is null,1,0))/count(1),3) as incomplete_rate from exam_record where 0 = ( select count(1) as cn from ( select t1.uid,count(1) as incomplete_cnt from user_info t1 join exam_record t2 on t1.uid = t2.uid where level = 0 and submit_time is null group by t1.uid having count(1) > 2 ) t ) group by uid order by incomplete_rate