题解 | #统计活跃间隔对用户分级结果#
WITH uid_dt as (
SELECT distinct uid, DATE(in_time) as dt FROM tb_user_log
SELECT distinct uid, DATE(out_time) as dt FROM tb_user_log
select user_grade,round(cnt/s,2) as ratio
select user_grade, count(user_grade) as cnt,(select count(distinct(uid)) from uid_dt) as s
select uid,dt_first,
when dt_first>=
(select date_sub(dt_now,INTERVAL 6 day) as dt_7_day
from(select max(dt) as dt_now from uid_dt)l)
then '新晋用户'
when dt_last >=
(select date_sub(dt_now,INTERVAL 6 day) as dt_7_day
from(select max(dt) as dt_now from uid_dt)l)
dt_first <
(select date_sub(dt_now,INTERVAL 6 day) as dt_7_day
from(select max(dt) as dt_now from uid_dt)l)
then '忠实用户'
when dt_last <
(select date_sub(dt_now,INTERVAL 6 day) as dt_7_day
from(select max(dt) as dt_now from uid_dt)l)
and dt_last >=
(select date_sub(dt_now,INTERVAL 29 day) as dt_30_day
from(select max(dt) as dt_now from uid_dt)l)
then '沉睡用户'
when dt_last <
(select date_sub(dt_now,INTERVAL 29 day) as dt_30_day
from(select max(dt) as dt_now from uid_dt)l)
then '流失用户'
else 0 end) as user_grade
from(select uid,min(dt) as dt_first ,max(dt) as dt_last from uid_dt group by uid)ll
group by user_grade
order by ratio desc