题解 | #各用户等级的不同得分表现占比#
题解: 1.首先,将存在试卷考试记录的所有得分和用户进行等级划分,后续需要计算得分等级占比,所以需要exam_id分散开
2. 各个等级用户的得分登记占比,相当于为统计出各个等级用户的优良中差次数占比总数
题解: 1.首先,将存在试卷考试记录的所有得分和用户进行等级划分,后续需要计算得分等级占比,所以需要exam_id分散开
2. 各个等级用户的得分登记占比,相当于为统计出各个等级用户的优良中差次数占比总数
select b.level ,b.score_grade ,round((b.num/sum(b.num)over(partition by b.level)),3) as rate from ( select a.level,a.score_grade ,count(a.score_grade) as num from ( select e.uid,e.exam_id,u.level,e.score, case when e.score <60 then '差' when e.score <75 and e.score>= 60 then '中' when e.score < 90 and e.score>=75 then '良' when e.score >= 90 then "优" end as score_grade from exam_record e left join user_info u on e.uid = u.uid where e.score is not null )a group by a.level, a.score_grade )b group by b.level,b.score_grade order by b.level desc,rate desc
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