题解 | #牛客的课程订单分析(六)#
使用 left join 解决,以 order_info, t2 连接后的表为主表,左连接 client 表即可解决,或者使用 case when xxx then end 的方法
case when is_group_buy = 'Yes' then 'None' -- 编译器必须要为None才识别为Null
when is_group_buy='No' then name end client_name
也可以使用 ifnull(c.name, 'None') 来替换。
完整代码 (不使用 case):
select t1.id, t1.is_group_buy, t3.`name` as client_name
from order_info t1 join (select user_id
from order_info
where status = 'completed'
and date > '2025-10-15'
and product_name in ('C++', 'Java', 'Python')
group by user_id
having count(user_id) > 1) as t2
on t1.user_id = t2.user_id
left join client t3
on t3.id = t1.client_id
where t1.status = 'completed'
and t1.date > '2025-10-15'
and t1.product_name in ('C++', 'Java', 'Python')
order by t1.id
完整代码 (使用 case):
select o.id, is_group_buy,
case when is_group_buy = 'Yes' then 'None'
when is_group_buy='No' then name end client_name
from order_info o
left join client c
on o.client_id = c.id
where date > '2025-10-15'
and status = 'completed'
and product_name IN ('C++','Java','Python')
and user_id IN
select user_id
from order_info
where date > '2025-10-15'
and status = 'completed'
and product_name IN ('C++','Java','Python')
group by user_id
having count(status) >= 2
order by o.id
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