6678EVM调试K1_STK_v1.1例程中GE_test的时候报错:DDR3 leveling has failed, STATUS = 0x40000064的解决办法



最开始一直报错DDR3 leveling has failed, STATUS = 0x40000064。



所以将程序中的KeyStone_DDR_init (66.66667, 20, 1, NULL);注释掉,直接使用gel就成功了。

	//DDR init 66.66667*20/1= 1333
	//KeyStone_DDR_init (66.66667, 20, 1, NULL);//将这一句注释掉




[C66xx_0] JTAG ID= 0x1009e02f. This is C6678/TCI6608 device, version variant = 1.
DEVSTAT= 0x00000001. little endian, No boot or EMIF16(NOR FLASH) or UART boot, PLL configuration implies the input clock for core is 50MHz.
SmartReflex VID= 63, required core voltage= 1.104V.
Die ID= 0x04008012, 0x0403e91a, 0x00000000, 0x15840021
Device speed grade = 1000MHz.
Enable Exception handling...
Initialize DSP main clock = 100.00MHz/1x10 = 1000MHz
Initialize PASS PLL clock = 100.00MHz/2x21 = 1050.000MHz
GE 1000M fullduplex internal SERDES loopback test...
GE transfer from 0x820c0000 to 0x820c2800,  1 packets x   64 bytes,     7703 cycles,    66 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820c5000 to 0x820c7800,  1 packets x  128 bytes,     8887 cycles,   115 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820ca000 to 0x820cc800,  1 packets x  256 bytes,    12635 cycles,   162 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820cf000 to 0x820d1800,  1 packets x  512 bytes,    19467 cycles,   210 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820d4000 to 0x820d6800,  1 packets x 1024 bytes,    31633 cycles,   258 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820d9000 to 0x820db800,  1 packets x 2048 bytes,    57243 cycles,   286 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820de000 to 0x820e0800,  1 packets x 4096 bytes,   107583 cycles,   304 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820e3000 to 0x820e5800,  1 packets x 8192 bytes,   208979 cycles,   313 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820e8000 to 0x c018000,  1 packets x   64 bytes,     7081 cycles,    72 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820ea800 to 0x c01a800,  1 packets x  128 bytes,     8885 cycles,   115 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820ed000 to 0x c01d000,  1 packets x  256 bytes,    12693 cycles,   161 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820ef800 to 0x c01f800,  1 packets x  512 bytes,    18861 cycles,   217 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820f2000 to 0x c022000,  1 packets x 1024 bytes,    32029 cycles,   255 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820f4800 to 0x c024800,  1 packets x 2048 bytes,    57137 cycles,   286 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820f7000 to 0x c027000,  1 packets x 4096 bytes,   107675 cycles,   304 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820f9800 to 0x c029800,  1 packets x 8192 bytes,   209049 cycles,   313 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c02c000 to 0x820fc000,  1 packets x   64 bytes,     6993 cycles,    73 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c02e800 to 0x820fe800,  1 packets x  128 bytes,     8653 cycles,   118 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c031000 to 0x82101000,  1 packets x  256 bytes,    12365 cycles,   165 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c033800 to 0x82103800,  1 packets x  512 bytes,    18609 cycles,   220 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c036000 to 0x82106000,  1 packets x 1024 bytes,    31765 cycles,   257 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c038800 to 0x82108800,  1 packets x 2048 bytes,    56741 cycles,   288 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c03b000 to 0x8210b000,  1 packets x 4096 bytes,   107605 cycles,   304 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c03d800 to 0x8210d800,  1 packets x 8192 bytes,   208761 cycles,   313 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c040000 to 0x c042800,  1 packets x   64 bytes,     7499 cycles,    68 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c045000 to 0x c047800,  1 packets x  128 bytes,     9225 cycles,   111 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c04a000 to 0x c04c800,  1 packets x  256 bytes,    12725 cycles,   160 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c04f000 to 0x c051800,  1 packets x  512 bytes,    19095 cycles,   214 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c054000 to 0x c056800,  1 packets x 1024 bytes,    31923 cycles,   256 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c059000 to 0x c05b800,  1 packets x 2048 bytes,    57265 cycles,   286 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c05e000 to 0x c060800,  1 packets x 4096 bytes,   108063 cycles,   303 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c063000 to 0x c065800,  1 packets x 8192 bytes,   209051 cycles,   313 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82112800 to 0x82117800,  2 packets x   64 bytes,     7722 cycles,   132 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x8211c800 to 0x82121800,  2 packets x  128 bytes,    10867 cycles,   188 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82126800 to 0x8212b800,  2 packets x  256 bytes,    14806 cycles,   276 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82130800 to 0x82135800,  2 packets x  512 bytes,    23387 cycles,   350 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x8213a800 to 0x8213f800,  2 packets x 1024 bytes,    40721 cycles,   402 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82144800 to 0x82149800,  2 packets x 2048 bytes,    73413 cycles,   446 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x8214e800 to 0x82153800,  2 packets x 4096 bytes,   140953 cycles,   464 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82158800 to 0x8215d800,  2 packets x 8192 bytes,   274713 cycles,   477 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82162800 to 0x c01a800,  2 packets x   64 bytes,     8390 cycles,   122 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82167800 to 0x c01f800,  2 packets x  128 bytes,    10493 cycles,   195 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x8216c800 to 0x c024800,  2 packets x  256 bytes,    14740 cycles,   277 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82171800 to 0x c029800,  2 packets x  512 bytes,    23591 cycles,   347 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82176800 to 0x c02e800,  2 packets x 1024 bytes,    40067 cycles,   408 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x8217b800 to 0x c033800,  2 packets x 2048 bytes,    73919 cycles,   443 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82180800 to 0x c038800,  2 packets x 4096 bytes,   141029 cycles,   464 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82185800 to 0x c03d800,  2 packets x 8192 bytes,   274671 cycles,   477 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c042800 to 0x8218a800,  2 packets x   64 bytes,     8227 cycles,   124 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c047800 to 0x8218f800,  2 packets x  128 bytes,    10207 cycles,   200 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c04c800 to 0x82194800,  2 packets x  256 bytes,    15246 cycles,   268 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c051800 to 0x82199800,  2 packets x  512 bytes,    22968 cycles,   356 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c056800 to 0x8219e800,  2 packets x 1024 bytes,    40024 cycles,   409 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c05b800 to 0x821a3800,  2 packets x 2048 bytes,    73480 cycles,   445 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c060800 to 0x821a8800,  2 packets x 4096 bytes,   140672 cycles,   465 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c065800 to 0x821ad800,  2 packets x 8192 bytes,   275198 cycles,   476 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c01a800 to 0x c01f800,  2 packets x   64 bytes,     7941 cycles,   128 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c024800 to 0x c029800,  2 packets x  128 bytes,    10373 cycles,   197 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c02e800 to 0x c033800,  2 packets x  256 bytes,    15202 cycles,   269 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c038800 to 0x c03d800,  2 packets x  512 bytes,    22946 cycles,   357 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c042800 to 0x c047800,  2 packets x 1024 bytes,    39886 cycles,   410 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c04c800 to 0x c051800,  2 packets x 2048 bytes,    73392 cycles,   446 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c056800 to 0x c05b800,  2 packets x 4096 bytes,   140624 cycles,   466 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c060800 to 0x c065800,  2 packets x 8192 bytes,   274458 cycles,   477 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x821b7800 to 0x821c1800,  4 packets x   64 bytes,     9652 cycles,   212 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x821cb800 to 0x821d5800,  4 packets x  128 bytes,    13191 cycles,   310 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x821df800 to 0x821e9800,  4 packets x  256 bytes,    19506 cycles,   419 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x821f3800 to 0x821fd800,  4 packets x  512 bytes,    32749 cycles,   500 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82207800 to 0x82211800,  4 packets x 1024 bytes,    57257 cycles,   572 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x8221b800 to 0x82225800,  4 packets x 2048 bytes,   106933 cycles,   612 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x8222f800 to 0x82239800,  4 packets x 4096 bytes,   207347 cycles,   632 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82243800 to 0x8224d800,  4 packets x 8192 bytes,   407035 cycles,   644 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82257800 to 0x c01f800,  4 packets x   64 bytes,    10010 cycles,   204 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82261800 to 0x c029800,  4 packets x  128 bytes,    13565 cycles,   301 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x8226b800 to 0x c033800,  4 packets x  256 bytes,    19660 cycles,   416 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82275800 to 0x c03d800,  4 packets x  512 bytes,    31897 cycles,   513 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x8227f800 to 0x c047800,  4 packets x 1024 bytes,    56795 cycles,   576 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82289800 to 0x c051800,  4 packets x 2048 bytes,   107439 cycles,   609 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82293800 to 0x c05b800,  4 packets x 4096 bytes,   207171 cycles,   632 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x8229d800 to 0x c065800,  4 packets x 8192 bytes,   406683 cycles,   644 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c01f800 to 0x822a7800,  4 packets x   64 bytes,    10023 cycles,   204 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c029800 to 0x822b1800,  4 packets x  128 bytes,    12861 cycles,   318 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c033800 to 0x822bb800,  4 packets x  256 bytes,    20100 cycles,   407 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c03d800 to 0x822c5800,  4 packets x  512 bytes,    32398 cycles,   505 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c047800 to 0x822cf800,  4 packets x 1024 bytes,    57442 cycles,   570 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c051800 to 0x822d9800,  4 packets x 2048 bytes,   107088 cycles,   611 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c05b800 to 0x822e3800,  4 packets x 4096 bytes,   206638 cycles,   634 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c065800 to 0x822ed800,  4 packets x 8192 bytes,   406310 cycles,   645 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c01f800 to 0x c029800,  4 packets x   64 bytes,     9877 cycles,   207 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c033800 to 0x c03d800,  4 packets x  128 bytes,    13497 cycles,   303 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c047800 to 0x c051800,  4 packets x  256 bytes,    19532 cycles,   419 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c05b800 to 0x c065800,  4 packets x  512 bytes,    32050 cycles,   511 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c01f800 to 0x c029800,  4 packets x 1024 bytes,    56684 cycles,   578 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c033800 to 0x c03d800,  4 packets x 2048 bytes,   106624 cycles,   614 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c047800 to 0x c051800,  4 packets x 4096 bytes,   207230 cycles,   632 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c05b800 to 0x c065800,  4 packets x 8192 bytes,   406332 cycles,   645 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82301800 to 0x82315800,  8 packets x   64 bytes,    13656 cycles,   299 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82329800 to 0x8233d800,  8 packets x  128 bytes,    18369 cycles,   445 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820d1800 to 0x820e5800,  8 packets x  256 bytes,    29260 cycles,   559 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820f9800 to 0x8210d800,  8 packets x  512 bytes,    49728 cycles,   658 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82121800 to 0x82135800,  8 packets x 1024 bytes,    91265 cycles,   718 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82149800 to 0x8215d800,  8 packets x 2048 bytes,   174349 cycles,   751 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82171800 to 0x82185800,  8 packets x 4096 bytes,   339903 cycles,   771 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82199800 to 0x821ad800,  8 packets x 8192 bytes,   670053 cycles,   782 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x821c1800 to 0x c029800,  8 packets x   64 bytes,    13222 cycles,   309 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x821d5800 to 0x c03d800,  8 packets x  128 bytes,    18853 cycles,   434 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x821e9800 to 0x c051800,  8 packets x  256 bytes,    29766 cycles,   550 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x821fd800 to 0x c065800,  8 packets x  512 bytes,    50203 cycles,   652 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82211800 to 0x c029800,  8 packets x 1024 bytes,    90977 cycles,   720 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82225800 to 0x c03d800,  8 packets x 2048 bytes,   173611 cycles,   754 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82239800 to 0x c051800,  8 packets x 4096 bytes,   339381 cycles,   772 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x8224d800 to 0x c065800,  8 packets x 8192 bytes,   670537 cycles,   781 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c029800 to 0x82261800,  8 packets x   64 bytes,    12561 cycles,   326 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c03d800 to 0x82275800,  8 packets x  128 bytes,    18729 cycles,   437 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c051800 to 0x82289800,  8 packets x  256 bytes,    29336 cycles,   558 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c065800 to 0x8229d800,  8 packets x  512 bytes,    50182 cycles,   652 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c029800 to 0x822b1800,  8 packets x 1024 bytes,    91678 cycles,   714 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c03d800 to 0x822c5800,  8 packets x 2048 bytes,   173778 cycles,   754 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c051800 to 0x822d9800,  8 packets x 4096 bytes,   339482 cycles,   772 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c065800 to 0x822ed800,  8 packets x 8192 bytes,   670252 cycles,   782 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c029800 to 0x c03d800,  8 packets x   64 bytes,    12629 cycles,   324 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c051800 to 0x c065800,  8 packets x  128 bytes,    18057 cycles,   453 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c029800 to 0x c03d800,  8 packets x  256 bytes,    29342 cycles,   558 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c051800 to 0x c065800,  8 packets x  512 bytes,    49692 cycles,   659 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c029800 to 0x c03d800,  8 packets x 1024 bytes,    91184 cycles,   718 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c051800 to 0x c065800,  8 packets x 2048 bytes,   173824 cycles,   754 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c029800 to 0x c03d800,  8 packets x 4096 bytes,   339480 cycles,   772 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c051800 to 0x c065800,  8 packets x 8192 bytes,   669858 cycles,   782 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82315800 to 0x8233d800, 16 packets x   64 bytes,    20022 cycles,   409 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820e5800 to 0x8210d800, 16 packets x  128 bytes,    29794 cycles,   549 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82135800 to 0x8215d800, 16 packets x  256 bytes,    48338 cycles,   677 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82185800 to 0x821ad800, 16 packets x  512 bytes,    85371 cycles,   767 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x821d5800 to 0x821fd800, 16 packets x 1024 bytes,   159153 cycles,   823 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82225800 to 0x8224d800, 16 packets x 2048 bytes,   308093 cycles,   850 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82275800 to 0x8229d800, 16 packets x 4096 bytes,   604103 cycles,   867 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x822c5800 to 0x822ed800, 16 packets x 8192 bytes,  1196744 cycles,   876 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82315800 to 0x c03d800, 16 packets x   64 bytes,    19760 cycles,   414 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x8233d800 to 0x c065800, 16 packets x  128 bytes,    29381 cycles,   557 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x820e5800 to 0x c03d800, 16 packets x  256 bytes,    47877 cycles,   684 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x8210d800 to 0x c065800, 16 packets x  512 bytes,    85631 cycles,   765 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82135800 to 0x c03d800, 16 packets x 1024 bytes,   159857 cycles,   819 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x8215d800 to 0x c065800, 16 packets x 2048 bytes,   307521 cycles,   852 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x82185800 to 0x c03d800, 16 packets x 4096 bytes,   604521 cycles,   867 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x821ad800 to 0x c065800, 16 packets x 8192 bytes,  1197163 cycles,   875 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c03d800 to 0x821d5800, 16 packets x   64 bytes,    19307 cycles,   424 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c065800 to 0x821fd800, 16 packets x  128 bytes,    28891 cycles,   567 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c03d800 to 0x82225800, 16 packets x  256 bytes,    48758 cycles,   672 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c065800 to 0x8224d800, 16 packets x  512 bytes,    85520 cycles,   766 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c03d800 to 0x82275800, 16 packets x 1024 bytes,   159462 cycles,   821 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c065800 to 0x8229d800, 16 packets x 2048 bytes,   307486 cycles,   852 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c03d800 to 0x822c5800, 16 packets x 4096 bytes,   604434 cycles,   867 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c065800 to 0x822ed800, 16 packets x 8192 bytes,  1197098 cycles,   875 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c03d800 to 0x c065800, 16 packets x   64 bytes,    19393 cycles,   422 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c03d800 to 0x c065800, 16 packets x  128 bytes,    29196 cycles,   561 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c03d800 to 0x c065800, 16 packets x  256 bytes,    48433 cycles,   676 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c03d800 to 0x c065800, 16 packets x  512 bytes,    84933 cycles,   771 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c03d800 to 0x c065800, 16 packets x 1024 bytes,   159667 cycles,   820 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c03d800 to 0x c065800, 16 packets x 2048 bytes,   307980 cycles,   851 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c03d800 to 0x c065800, 16 packets x 4096 bytes,   604148 cycles,   867 Mbps
GE transfer from 0x c03d800 to 0x c065800, 16 packets x 8192 bytes,  1197027 cycles,   875 Mbps
Multiple ports test...
 transfer  4 x 1500 bytes from SL2_HOST_SIZE1_FDQ (2049) to FLOW_TO_DDR (0)
 transfer  4 x   46 bytes from DDR_HOST_SIZE1_FDQ (2059) to FLOW_TO_SL2 (1)
Transferred     6184 bytes with    80818 cycles, throughput=   612Mbps.
STATSA.RxGoodFrames     =1000
STATSA.RxOctets         =2047864
STATSA.TxGoodFrames     =1000
STATSA.TxOctets         =2047864
STATSA.Frame64          =8
STATSA.Frame65t127      =248
STATSA.Frame128t255     =248
STATSA.Frame256t511     =248
STATSA.Frame512t1023    =248
STATSA.Frame1024tUp     =1000
STATSA.NetOctets        =4095728
STATSB.RxGoodFrames     =1000
STATSB.RxOctets         =2047864
STATSB.TxGoodFrames     =1000
STATSB.TxOctets         =2047864
STATSB.Frame64          =8
STATSB.Frame65t127      =248
STATSB.Frame128t255     =248
STATSB.Frame256t511     =248
STATSB.Frame512t1023    =248
STATSB.Frame1024tUp     =1000
STATSB.NetOctets        =4095728
GE test complete.




10-24 13:36
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