题解 | #迷宫问题#
python 深度优先,注意最后输出要是字符串,直接输出tuple会报错
while True: try: maze = [] x = input().split() m,n = int(x[0]),int(x[1]) for i in range(m): x = input().split() x = list(map(int,x)) maze.append(x) def dfs(x,y,path): if not (0<=x<m and 0<=y<n) or maze[x][y]: return maze[x][y] = 1 path.append([x,y]) if x == m-1 and y == n-1: global res res = path[:] for nx,ny in[[x+1,y],[x-1,y],[x,y+1],[x,y-1]]: dfs(nx,ny,path) path.remove([x,y]) dfs(0,0,[]) #print(res) for i in res: print('(%d,%d)'%(i[0],i[1])) except: break