题解 | #字典树的实现#
cnt: 当前字母在前缀出现的次数
isWord: 当前字母作为word结尾的次数
next[26]: 字母范围
struct Node{ int cnt; int isWord; Node* next[26]; Node(int _cnt=0){ cnt = _cnt; isWord = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 26; i ++) next[i] = NULL; } };
class Trie{ private: struct Node{ int cnt; int isWord; Node* next[26]; Node(int _cnt=0){ cnt = _cnt; isWord = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 26; i ++) next[i] = NULL; } }; Node* root = new Node(0); int num = 1; public: void insertWord(string word){ Node* p = root; for(char ch:word){ int idx = ch - 'a'; if(p -> next[idx] == NULL) p -> next[idx] = new Node(); p = p -> next[idx]; p -> cnt ++; } p -> isWord ++; } void deleteWord(string word){ if(!searchWord(word)) return; //find the nodes that will be deleted; Node* p = root; Node* pre = root; stack<Node*> preStk; stack<int> nxtStk; int nxtIdx = -1; for(char ch:word){ int idx = ch - 'a'; pre = p; p = p -> next[idx]; p -> cnt --; if(p -> cnt == 0) nxtIdx = idx; if(nxtIdx != -1){ preStk.push(pre); nxtStk.push(nxtIdx); } } p -> isWord --; //delete node while(!preStk.empty()){ Node* node = preStk.top(); preStk.pop(); int nxtIdx = nxtStk.top(); nxtStk.pop(); delete node -> next[nxtIdx]; node -> next[nxtIdx] = NULL; } } bool searchWord(string word){ if(word == "") return false; Node* p = root; for(char ch:word){ int idx = ch - 'a'; if(p -> next[idx] == NULL) return false; p = p -> next[idx]; } return p -> isWord > 0; } int getPrefixWordCount(string word){ if(word == "") return 0; Node* p = root; for(char ch:word){ int idx = ch - 'a'; if(p -> next[idx] == NULL) return 0; p = p -> next[idx]; } return p -> cnt; } }; class Solution { public: /** * * @param operators string字符串vector<vector<>> the ops * @return string字符串vector */ vector<string> trieU(vector<vector<string> >& operators) { // write code here vector<string> res; const string RESULTS[2] = {"NO", "YES"}; Trie trie; for(vector<string> op:operators){ if(op[0] == "1"){ trie.insertWord(op[1]); }else if(op[0] == "2"){ trie.deleteWord(op[1]); }else if(op[0] == "3"){ res.push_back(RESULTS[trie.searchWord(op[1])]); }else if(op[0] == "4"){ res.push_back(to_string(trie.getPrefixWordCount(op[1]))); } } return res; } };