题解 | C++ #实现二叉树先序,中序和后序遍历#
class Solution { public: /** * * @param root TreeNode类 the root of binary tree * @return int整型vector<vector<>> */ vector<vector<int> > threeOrders(TreeNode* root) { //返回二维数组 // 分别调用三个遍历函数,分别尾***二维数组 vector<vector<int> > res; po(root); res.push_back(a); io(root); res.push_back(b); pto(root); res.push_back(c); return res; } //以前序遍历序列为例,先定义一个一维数组,默写前序递归框架,每个节点做的就是向一维数组中尾插。 vector<int> a; vector<int> po(TreeNode *root){ if(root==nullptr) return{}; a.push_back(root->val); if(root->left) po(root->left); if(root->right) po(root->right); return a; } //中序和后序同理 vector<int> b; vector<int> io(TreeNode *root){ if(root==nullptr) return{}; if(root->left) io(root->left); b.push_back(root->val); if(root->right) io(root->right); return b; } vector<int> c; vector<int> pto(TreeNode *root){ if(root==nullptr) return{}; if(root->left) pto(root->left); if(root->right) pto(root->right); c.push_back(root->val); return c; } };