方法1(常规思路):表1(日期,失败个数)表2(日期,邮件总数) ,最后用日期连接两表,分子除以分母计算概率。
select t2.date ,round(t1.c1/t2.c2,3)as p from (select date,count(id) as c1 from email where send_id in(select id from user where is_blacklist=0) and receive_id in(select id from user where is_blacklist=0) and type='no_completed' group by date )t1 join (select date,count(id) as c2 from email where send_id in(select id from user where is_blacklist=0) and receive_id in(select id from user where is_blacklist=0) group by date )t2 on t1.date=t2.date order by t2.date;方法2:sum+case方法计算失败次数,使用子查询过滤黑名单。
select e.date ,round(sum(case type when 'no_completed' then 1 else 0 end)/count(id),3) as p from email e where send_id in(select id from user where is_blacklist=0) and receive_id in(select id from user where is_blacklist=0) group by e.date order by e.date;方法3:sum+case方法计算失败次数,使用join过滤黑名单。同一个表可以join多次,取不同别名即可。
select e.date ,round(sum(case type when 'no_completed' then 1 else 0 end)/count(e.id),3) as p from email e join user u1 on e.send_id = u1.id join user u2 on u2.id = e.receive_id where u1.is_blacklist = 0 and u2.is_blacklist=0 group by e.date order by e.date;