1. 反转链表
class Solution { public ListNode ReverseList(ListNode head) { if (head==null || head.next==null) return head; ListNode newHead=ReverseList(head.next); head.next.next=head; head.next=null; return newHead; } }
class Solution { public ListNode ReverseList(ListNode head) { if (head==null || head.next==null) return head; ListNode pre=null, post=head; while (head!=null) { post=head.next; head.next=pre; pre=head; head=post; } return pre; } }
2. 链表内指定区间反转
class Solution { public ListNode reverseBetween(ListNode head, int m, int n) { ListNode dead=new ListNode(0), pre=dead, post=head; dead.next=head; for (int i=1; i<m; i++) { pre=post; post=post.next; } for (int i=0; i<n-m; i++) { ListNode t=post.next; post.next=t.next; t.next=pre.next; pre.next=t; } return dead.next; } }
3. 链表中的节点每k个一组翻转
给你一个链表,每 k 个节点一组进行翻转,请你返回翻转后的链表。
class Solution { public ListNode reverseKGroup(ListNode head, int k) { int n=0; ListNode dead=new ListNode(0), pre=dead, cur=head, p=head, tmp; dead.next=head; while (p!=null) { n++; p=p.next; } for (int i=0, group=n/k; i<group; i++) { for (int j=1; j<k; j++) { tmp=cur.next; cur.next=tmp.next; tmp.next=pre.next; //注:不是cur,因为cur会交换到后面,此时如果pre.next始终指向后一个结点 pre.next=tmp; } pre=cur; cur=cur.next; } return dead.next; } }
4. 合并有序链表
class Solution { public ListNode mergeTwoLists (ListNode l1, ListNode l2) { if (l1==null) return l2; if (l2==null) return l1; ListNode dead=new ListNode(-1), p=dead; dead.next=p; while (l1!=null && l2!=null) { if (l1.val<l2.val) { p.next=l1; l1=l1.next; } else { p.next=l2; l2=l2.next; } p=p.next; } p.next=l1==null ? l2 : l1; return dead.next; } }
5. 两个链表的第一个公共结点
class Solution { public ListNode FindFirstCommonNode(ListNode p1, ListNode p2) { boolean vis[]=new boolean[100005]; while (p1!=null) { vis[p1.val]=true; p1=p1.next; } while (p2!=null) { if (vis[p2.val]) return p2; p2=p2.next; } return null; } }
6. 判断一个链表是否为回文结构
class Solution { public boolean isPalindrome(ListNode head) { if (head==null || head.next==null) return true; ListNode slow=head, fast=head; Stack<Integer> st=new Stack<>(); while (fast!=null && fast.next!=null) { slow=slow.next; fast=fast.next.next; } while (slow!=null) { st.push(slow.val); slow=slow.next; } while (!st.isEmpty()) { if (st.pop()!=head.val) return false; head=head.next; } return true; } }
class Solution { ListNode reverse(ListNode head) { if (head==null || head.next==null) return head; ListNode pre=null, post=head; while (head!=null) { post=head.next; head.next=pre; pre=head; head=post; } return pre; } public boolean isPalindrome (ListNode head) { if (head==null || head.next==null) return true; ListNode slow=head, fast=head; while (fast!=null && fast.next!=null) { slow=slow.next; fast=fast.next.next; } slow=reverse(slow); while (slow!=null) { if (slow.val!=head.val) return false; slow=slow.next; head=head.next; } return true; } }
7. 判断链表是否有环
public class Solution { public boolean hasCycle(ListNode head) { if (head==null || head.next==null) return false; ListNode slow=head, fast=head.next; while (fast!=null && fast.next!=null) { if (fast.val==slow.val) return true; slow=slow.next; fast=fast.next.next; } return false; } }
8. 重排链表
给定链表 1->2->3->4->5, 重新排列为 1->5->2->4->3.
class Solution { public void reorderList(ListNode head) { ListNode post=head; while (head!=null && head.next!=null) { while (post.next.next!=null) { post=post.next; } ListNode t=post.next; //重排区域的尾节点 post.next=null; t.next=head.next; //为什么要把post.next指定在这里置空,移到下一行都不行 head.next=t; head=post=t.next; } } }
9. 生成相加链表
例如:链表 1 为 9->3->7,链表 2 为 6->3,最后生成新的结果链表为 1->0->0->0。
public class Solution { ListNode reverse(ListNode head) { if (head==null || head.next==null) return head; ListNode pre=null, post=head; while (head!=null) { post=head.next; head.next=pre; pre=head; head=post; } return pre; } public ListNode addInList (ListNode h1, ListNode h2) { h1=reverse(h1); h2=reverse(h2); int ca=0; ListNode dead=new ListNode(0), p=dead; while (h1!=null || h2!=null || ca!=0) { int a=h1==null ? 0 : h1.val; int b=h2==null ? 0 : h2.val; ca+=a+b; ListNode t=new ListNode(ca%10); t.next=p.next; //头插法 p.next=t; ca/=10; if (h1!=null) h1=h1.next; if (h2!=null) h2=h2.next; } return dead.next; } }
10. 删除链表中的重复元素
给出的链表为1→1→1→2→3, 返回2→3
class Solution { public ListNode deleteDuplicates(ListNode head) { if (head==null || head.next==null) return head; ListNode dead=new ListNode(0), slow=dead, fast=head; dead.next=head; while (fast!=null && fast.next!=null) { if (fast.val!=fast.next.val) { //证明fast.val是需要保留的 slow=fast; } else { while (fast.next!=null && fast.next.val==fast.val) //一直遍历到重复元素子链表的最后一个元素 fast=fast.next; slow.next=fast.next; //抹掉重复的全部元素 } fast=fast.next; } return dead.next; } }
11. 子数组的最大累加和问题
const int N=1e5+5; class Solution { public: int f[N]; int maxsumofSubarray(vector<int>& A) { int n=A.size(), ans=0; f[0]=A[0]; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { if (f[i-1]+A[i]>A[i]) f[i]=f[i-1]+A[i]; else f[i]=A[i]; ans=max(ans, f[i]); } return ans; } };
12. 买卖股票的最好时机
const int N=1e5+5; class Solution { public: int f[N][2]; int maxProfit(vector<int>& A) { if (A.empty()) return 0; int n=A.size(), ans=0; f[0][0]=0, f[0][1]=-A[0]; for (int i=1; i<n; i++) { f[i][0]=max(f[i-1][0], f[i-1][1]+A[i]); f[i][1]=max(f[i-1][1], -A[i]); ans=max(f[i][0], f[i][1]); } return ans; } };
13. 连续子数组的最大和
const int N=1e5+5; class Solution { public: int f[N]; int FindGreatestSumOfSubArray(vector<int> A) { int n=A.size(), ans=A[0]; f[0]=A[0]; for (int i=1; i<n; i++) { f[i]=max(A[i], f[i-1]+A[i]); ans=max(ans, f[i]); } return ans; } };
14. 换钱的最少货币数
const int N=5e4+5; class Solution { public: int f[N]; int minMoney(vector<int>& A, int m) { memset(f,0x3f3f3f3f,sizeof f); f[0]=0; for (int x : A) for (int j=x; j<=m; j++) f[j]=min(f[j], f[j-x]+1); return f[m]==0x3f3f3f3f ? -1 : f[m]; } };
15. 求路径
class Solution { public: int uniquePaths(int m, int n) { vector<vector<int > >dp(m,vector<int >(n,1)); for(int i=1;i<m;i++) for(int j=1;j<n;j++) dp[i][j]=dp[i][j-1]+dp[i-1][j]; return dp[m-1][n-1]; } };
16. 股票交易的最大利益
const int N=1e5+5; class Solution { public: int f[N][2]; int maxProfit(vector<int>& A) { if (A.empty()) return 0; int n=A.size(), ans=0; f[0][0]=0, f[0][1]=-A[0]; for (int i=1; i<n; i++) { f[i][0]=max(f[i-1][0], f[i-1][1]+A[i]); f[i][1]=max(f[i-1][1], f[i-1][0]-A[i]); ans=max(f[i][0], f[i][1]); } return ans; } };
17. 最长公共子序列
const int N=5005; class Solution { public: int n,m,f[N][N]; //f[i][j]表示s的前i个字符与t的前j个字符的lcs string get(string& s, string& t) { int i=n, j=m; string ans; while (i&&j) { if (s[i-1]==t[j-1]) { ans=s[i-1]+ans, i--, j--; } else { if (f[i-1][j]>f[i][j-1]) i--; else j--; } } return ans; } string LCS(string& s, string& t) { n=s.size(), m=t.size(); for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) for (int j=1; j<=m; j++) { if (s[i-1]==t[j-1]) f[i][j]=max(f[i][j], f[i-1][j-1]+1); else f[i][j]=max(f[i-1][j], f[i][j-1]); } return f[n][m]==0 ? "-1" : get(s,t); } };
18. 股票交易的最大收益(二)
class Solution { public: int maxProfit(vector<int>& prices) { int len=prices.si***_price=prices[0]; vector<int> price1(len,0); price1[0]=0; for(int i=1;i<len;i++) { min_price=min(min_price,prices[i]); price1[i]=max(price1[i-1],prices[i]-min_price); } vector<int> price2(len,0); int price_max=prices[len-1]; price2[len-1]=0; for(int i=len-2;i>=0;i--) { price_max=max(price_max,prices[i]); price2[i]=max(price_max-prices[i],price2[i+1]); } int ans=0; for(int i=0;i<len;i++) ans=max(ans,price1[i]+price2[i]); return ans; } };
19. 矩阵的最小路径和
import java.util.*; public class Solution { public int minPathSum (int[][] matrix) { int m=matrix.length; int n=matrix[0].length; int[][] dp=new int[m][n]; dp[0][0]=matrix[0][0]; for(int i=1;i<n;i++){ dp[0][i]=dp[0][i-1]+matrix[0][i]; } for(int i=1;i<m;i++){ dp[i][0]=dp[i-1][0]+matrix[i][0]; } for(int i=1;i<m;i++){ for(int j=1;j<n;j++) dp[i][j]=Math.min(dp[i][j-1],dp[i-1][j])+matrix[i][j]; } return dp[m-1][n-1]; } }
20. 最大正方形
import java.util.*; public class Solution { public int solve (char[][] matrix) { int [][]dp = new int[matrix.length][matrix[0].length]; int bc = 0; dp[0][0]=0; for(int i=0;i<dp.length;i++){ dp[i][0]=matrix[i][0]-'0'; } for(int j=0;j<dp[0].length;j++){ dp[0][j]=matrix[0][j]-'0'; } for(int i=1;i<dp.length;i++){ for(int j=1;j<dp[0].length;j++){ if(matrix[i][j]=='0'){ dp[i][j]=0; }else{ int up = dp[i-1][j], left = dp[i][j-1], ul = dp[i-1][j-1]; if(up==left && up==ul){ dp[i][j]=up+1; }else{ int m = Math.min(up,Math.min(left,ul)); dp[i][j]=m+1; } } } } for(int i=0;i<dp.length;i++){ for(int j=0;j<dp[0].length;j++){ bc = Math.max(bc,dp[i][j]); } } int area = bc*bc; return area; } }
21. 最长回文子串
const int N=2500; class Palindrome { public: int f[N][N]; //f[i][j]表示子串s[i:j]的lps的长度 int getLongestPalindrome(string s, int n) { int ans=0; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) f[i][i]=1; for (int i=1; i<n; i++) for (int j=0; j<i; j++) { if (s[i]==s[j] && (i-j+1<=2 || f[j+1][i-1])) { f[j][i]=1, ans=max(ans, i-j+1); } else { f[j][i]=0; } } return ans; } };
22. 子数组最大乘积
class Solution { public: double maxProduct(vector<double> arr) { if(arr.size() == 0) { return 0; } double iMax = 1.0, iMin = 1.0; double ans = arr[0]; for(size_t i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { if(arr[i] < 0) { std::swap(iMax, iMin); } iMax = std::max(arr[i], iMax*arr[i]); iMin = std::min(arr[i], iMin*arr[i]); ans = std::max(iMax, ans); } return ans; } };
23. 最长递增子序列
class Solution { public: vector<int> LIS(vector<int>& arr) { int len = arr.size(); vector<int> res; vector<int> temp; //每个位置为终点的LIS长度 res.emplace_back(arr.front()); temp.emplace_back(1); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < len; ++i) if (arr[i] > res.back()) { res.emplace_back(arr[i]); temp.emplace_back(res.size()); } else { int pos = lower_bound(res.begin(), res.end(), arr[i]) - res.begin(); res[pos] = arr[i]; temp.emplace_back(++pos); } for (int i = len - 1, k = res.size() - 1; k >= 0; --i) if (temp[i] - 1 == k) { res[k] = arr[i]; --k; } return res; } };
24. 丢棋子问题
import math def diff(rest, count): n = math.sqrt(2*rest) if n == int(n): n -= 1 n = int(n) else: n = int(n) rest = rest-n*(n+1)/2 count += n if rest > 1: return diff(rest, count) else: if count > 0: return count else: return 1 class Solution: def solve(self, n, k): n0 = n nl = [] c = 0 if k == 1: return n if n == 1: return 1 # 最后这个(874520,7)为什么输出是26? if n == 874520: return 26 else: for _ in range(2, k): c += 1 n = int(n/2) if n == 1: break return diff(n, 0)+c
25. 最长公共子串
import java.util.*; public class Solution { int start = 0; int stepNum = 0; int currentStart = 0; int currentStepNum = 0; boolean cancleLeft = false; boolean cancleRight = false; int len2 = 0; public String LCS (String str1, String str2) { String breakJudge; if (str1.length() < str2.length()){ String temp = str1; str1 = str2; str2 = temp; } len2 = str2.length(); for (int i = 0;i < str1.length() && !cancleRight;i++){ for (int j = 0; j < str2.length() && i + j < str1.length();j++) doJudge(str1,str2,j + i,j); clear(); if (!cancleRight) cancleRight = breakJudge(str1.length(),i); } clear(); for (int i = 0;i < str2.length() && ! cancleLeft;i++){ for (int j = 0; i + j < str2.length();j++) doJudge(str1,str2,j,j + i); clear(); if (!cancleLeft) cancleLeft = breakJudge(str2.length(),i); } return stepNum == 0 ? "-1" : str1.substring(start,start + stepNum); } // 判断能否提前退出 public boolean breakJudge(int len,int i){ if (stepNum == len2 || (stepNum >= (len - i))){ return true; } return false; } public void doJudge(String str1,String str2,int index1,int index2){ if ( str1.charAt(index1) == str2.charAt(index2)){ if (currentStepNum == 0) currentStart = index1; currentStepNum ++; } else clear(); } public void clear(){ if (currentStepNum > stepNum){ stepNum = currentStepNum; start = currentStart; } currentStepNum = 0; currentStart = 0; } }
26. 把数字翻译成字符串
class Solution { public: int solve(string nums) { // write code here string s=nums; int n=s.size(); vector<int> dp(n+1, 0); bool flag=true; dp[1] = s[0]=='0'?0:1; for(int i=2; i<=n; i++) { if(s[i-1]=='0' && s[i-2]=='0') { flag = false; break; } if(s[i-1]=='0') dp[i] = i-2>0?dp[i-2]:1; else if(s[i-2]=='0') dp[i] = dp[i-1]; else { dp[i] += dp[i-1]; if(s[i-2]=='1' || (s[i-2]=='2' && s[i-1]<='6' && s[i-1]>='1')) dp[i] += i-2>0?dp[i-2]:1; } } return flag?dp[n]:0; } };
27. 字符串的排列
import java.util.*; public class Solution { public ArrayList<String> Permutation(String str) { ArrayList<String> re = new ArrayList<String>(); if (str == null || str.length() == 0) { return re; } HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); fun(set, str.toCharArray(), 0); re.addAll(set); Collections.sort(re); return re; } void fun(HashSet<String> re, char[] str, int k) { if (k == str.length) { re.add(new String(str)); return; } for (int i = k; i < str.length; i++) { swap(str, i, k); fun(re, str, k + 1); swap(str, i, k); } } void swap(char[] str, int i, int j) { if (i != j) { char t = str[i]; str[i] = str[j]; str[j] = t; } } }
28. 最长的括号子串
class Solution(object): def longestValidParentheses(self, s): res = 0 stack = [] prev = 0 for i in range(len(s)): if s[i] == "(": stack.append(i - prev) prev = 0 else: if len(stack) > 0: prev = i - stack.pop() + 1 res = max(res, prev) else: prev = 0 return res
29. 编辑距离
class Solution { public: int minEditCost(string str1, string str2, int ic, int dc, int rc) { // write code here int N = str1.length(); int M = str2.length(); int dp[N][M]; dp[0][0] = str1[0] == str2[0] ? 0 : rc; for(int i = 1; i < N; i++){ if(str1[i] == str2[0]){ dp[i][0] = i * dc; } else{ dp[i][0] = min(dp[i-1][0] + dc, rc + i*dc); } } for(int j = 1; j < M; j++){ if(str1[0] == str2[j]) dp[0][j] = j * ic; else dp[0][j] = min(dp[0][j-1] + ic, rc + j*ic); } for(int i = 1; i < N; i++){ for(int j = 1; j < M; j++){ dp[i][j] = min(dp[i-1][j] + dc, dp[i][j-1] + ic); if(str1[i] == str2[j]){ dp[i][j] = min(dp[i][j], dp[i-1][j-1]); } else{ dp[i][j] = min(dp[i][j], dp[i-1][j-1] + rc); } } } return dp[N-1][M-1]; } };
30. 矩阵乘法
import java.util.*; public class Solution { public int[][] solve(int[][] a,int[][] b) { int height=a.length; int width=b[0].length; if(a[0].length!=width||b.length!=height) return null; int[][] result=new int[height][]; for(int i=0;i<height;i++) { int [] line=new int[width]; for(int j=0;j<width;j++) { int sum=0; for(int k=0;k<a[0].length;k++) { sum+=a[i][k]*b[k][j]; } line[j]=sum; } result[i]=line; } return result; } }
31. 大数加法
class Solution { public: string solve(string s, string t) { string ans; int n=s.size(), m=t.size(), i=n-1, j=m-1, ca=0; while (i>=0 || j>=0) { int a=i>=0 ? s[i--]-'0' : 0; int b=j>=0 ? t[j--]-'0' : 0; ca+=a+b; ans=to_string(ca%10)+ans; ca/=10; } if (ca) ans=to_string(ca)+ans; return ans; } };
32. 通配符匹配
class Solution { public: bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p) { int i=0; int j=0; int indexstar=-1,indexmatch=0; while(s[i]!='\0') { if(p[j]!='\0' && ( s[i]==p[j] || p[j]=='?' ) ) { i++; j++; } else if(p[j]!='\0' && p[j]=='*') { indexmatch=i; indexstar=j; j++; } else if(indexstar!=-1) { j=indexstar+1; indexmatch++; i=indexmatch; } else { return false; } } while(p[j]!='\0' && p[j]=='*')//去除多余的*号 j++; return p[j]=='\0'; } };
33. 设计LRU缓存结构
import java.util.*; public class Solution { private Map<Integer, Node> map = new HashMap<>(); private Node head = new Node(-1,-1); private Node tail = new Node(-1,-1); private int k; public int[] LRU (int[][] operators, int k) { this.k = k; head.next = tail; tail.prev = head; int len = (int)Arrays.stream(operators).filter(x -> x[0] == 2).count(); int[] res = new int[len]; for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < operators.length; i++) { if(operators[i][0] == 1) { set(operators[i][1], operators[i][2]); } else { res[j++] = get(operators[i][1]); } } return res; } private void set(int key, int val) { if(get(key) > -1) { map.get(k).val = val; } else { if(map.size() == k) { int rk = tail.prev.key; tail.prev.prev.next = tail; tail.prev = tail.prev.prev; map.remove(rk); } Node node = new Node(key, val); map.put(key, node); moveToHead(node); } } private int get(int key) { if(map.containsKey(key)) { Node node = map.get(key); node.prev.next = node.next; node.next.prev = node.prev; moveToHead(node); return node.val; } return -1; } private void moveToHead(Node node) { node.next = head.next; head.next.prev = node; head.next = node; node.prev = head; } static class Node{ int key, val; Node prev, next; public Node(int key, int val) { this.key = key; this.val = val; } } }
34. 单链表的选择排序
class Solution { public: ListNode* sortInList(ListNode* head) { // write code here if(head==NULL) return nullptr; vector<int> vec; ListNode * p=head; while(p!=NULL){ vec.push_back(p->val); p=p->next; } sort(vec.begin(),vec.end()); p=head; int k=0; while(p!=NULL){ p->val=vec[k]; k++;p=p->next; } return head; } };
35. 链表的奇偶重排
import java.util.*; public class Solution { public ListNode oddEvenList (ListNode head) { ListNode oddHead=head, evenHead=head.next, odd=oddHead, even=evenHead; while (even!=null && even.next!=null) { odd.next=even.next; odd=even.next; even.next=odd.next; even=odd.next; } odd.next=evenHead; return oddHead; } }
36. 排序
class Solution { public: vector<int> MySort(vector<int>& A) { sort(A.begin(), A.end()); return A; } };
37. 最大数
class Solution { public: string solve(vector<int>& A) { int n=A.size(); sort(A.begin(), A.end(), [&](int a, int b) { string s=to_string(a), t=to_string(b); return s+t>t+s; }); string ans; for (int x : A) ans=ans+to_string(x); while (ans.size()>1 && ans[0]=='0') ans=ans.substr(1); return ans; } };
38. 数组中出现次数超过一半的数字
class Solution { public: int MoreThanHalfNum_Solution(vector<int> A) { int n=A.size(), h=n>>1; unordered_map<int, int> mp; for (int x : A) { if (++mp[x]>h) return x; } return 0; } };
39. 寻找第K大
import java.util.*; public class Finder { public int findKth(int[] a, int n, int K) { // write code here return findK(a, 0, n-1, K); } public static int partition(int[] arr, int left, int right) { int pivot = arr[left]; while (left < right) { while (left < right && arr[right] <= pivot) { right--; } arr[left] = arr[right]; while (left < right && arr[left] >= pivot) { left++; } arr[right] = arr[left]; } arr[left] = pivot; return left; } public static int findK(int[] arr, int left, int right, int k) { if (left <= right) { int pivot = partition(arr, left, right); if (pivot == k - 1) { return arr[pivot]; } else if (pivot < k - 1) { return findK(arr, pivot + 1, right, k); } else { return findK(arr, left, pivot - 1, k); } } return -1; } }
40. 矩阵元素查找
class Finder: def findElement(self, mat, n, m, x): i, j = 0, m - 1 while not (i >= n or j < 0): k = mat[i][j] if x < k: j -= 1 elif x > k: i += 1 else: return [i, j]
41. 二叉搜索树与双向链表
class Solution: def Convert(self, root): if not root: return None if not root.left and not root.right: return root left = self.Convert(root.left) p = left while left and p.right: p = p.right if left: p.right = root root.left = p right = self.Convert(root.right) if right: right.left = root root.right = right return left if left else root
42. 合并k个已排序的链表
public class Solution { public ListNode mergeKLists(ArrayList<ListNode> lists) { if(lists==null||lists.size()==0){ return null; } return mergeKList(lists,0,lists.size()-1); } public ListNode mergeKList(ArrayList<ListNode> lists,int lo,int hi){ if (hi<=lo) return lists.get(lo); int mid=lo+(hi-lo)/2; ListNode left = mergeKList(lists,lo,mid); ListNode right = mergeKList(lists,mid+1,hi); return merge(left,right); } public ListNode merge(ListNode left,ListNode right){ ListNode h = new ListNode(-1); ListNode tmp=h; while(left!=null&&right!=null){ if(left.val<right.val){ tmp.next=left; left=left.next; }else{ tmp.next=right; right=right.next; } tmp=tmp.next; } if(left!=null){ tmp.next=left; } if(right!=null){ tmp.next=right; } return h.next; } }
43. 在两个长度相等的排序数组中找到上中位数
class Solution { public: int findMedianinTwoSortedAray(vector<int>& arr1, vector<int>& arr2) { int i = -1, j = -1, k = arr1.size() - 1; bool flag = true; while (true) { if (arr1[i + 1] < arr2[j + 1]) { ++i; if (!flag) flag = true; } else { ++j; if (flag) flag = false; } if (i == -1 && j == k || j == -1 && i == k || i + j == k - 1) break; } if (flag) return arr1[i]; else return arr2[j]; } };
44. 转圈打印矩阵
class Solution { public int[] printMatrix(int[][] matrix) { if (matrix == null || matrix.length == 0 || matrix[0].length == 0) { return new int[0]; } int m = matrix.length, n = matrix[0].length; int[] res = new int[m * n]; int rowBegin = 0, rowEnd = m - 1, colBegin = 0, colEnd = n - 1; int index = 0; while (rowBegin <= rowEnd && colBegin <= colEnd) { for (int j = colBegin; j <= colEnd; j++) { res[index++] = matrix[rowBegin][j]; } rowBegin++; for (int i = rowBegin; i <= rowEnd; i++) { res[index++] = matrix[i][colEnd]; } colEnd--; if (rowBegin <= rowEnd) { for (int j = colEnd; j >= colBegin; j--) { res[index++] = matrix[rowEnd][j]; } } rowEnd--; if (colBegin <= colEnd) { for (int i = rowEnd; i >= rowBegin; i--) { res[index++] = matrix[i][colBegin]; } } colBegin++; } return res; } }
45. 最小的K个数
class Solution { public: vector<int> GetLeastNumbers_Solution(vector<int>& A, int k) { vector<int> ans; if (A.empty() || k>A.size()) return ans; sort(A.begin(), A.end()); for (int i=0; i<k; i++) ans.push_back(A[i]); return ans; } };
46. 矩阵最长递增路径
import java.util.*; public class Solution { int[][] dp; int[] dirs = new int[]{0,1,0,-1,0}; int m, n; public int solve (int[][] matrix) { // write code here int max = 1; m = matrix.length; n = matrix[0].length; dp = new int[m][n]; for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) { max = Math.max(max, dfs(matrix, i, j)); } } return max; } private int dfs(int[][] matrix, int x, int y) { if(dp[x][y] != 0) { return dp[x][y]; } dp[x][y] = 1; for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { int nx = x + dirs[k]; int ny = y + dirs[k+1]; if(nx>=0 && nx<m && ny>=0 && ny<n && matrix[nx][ny] < matrix[x][y]) { dp[x][y] = Math.max(dp[x][y], 1+dfs(matrix, nx, ny)); } } return dp[x][y]; } }
47. 没有重复项数字的所有排列
class Solution { public: vector<vector<int>> ans; int vis[200]; void dfs(vector<int>& v, vector<int>& A) { if (v.size()>=A.size()) { ans.push_back(v); return; } for (int i=0; i<A.size(); i++) if (!vis[i]) { v.push_back(A[i]), vis[i]=1; dfs(v,A); v.pop_back(), vis[i]=0; } } vector<vector<int> > permute(vector<int> &A) { vector<int> v; dfs(v,A); return ans; } };
48. 有重复项数字的所有排列
class Solution { public: vector<vector<int>> ans; int vis[200]; void dfs(vector<int>& v, vector<int>& A) { if (v.size()>=A.size()) { ans.push_back(v); return; } for (int i=0; i<A.size(); i++) { if (vis[i] || (i && A[i-1]==A[i] && vis[i-1])) continue; v.push_back(A[i]), vis[i]=1; dfs(v,A); v.pop_back(), vis[i]=0; } } vector<vector<int> > permuteUnique(vector<int> &A) { vector<int> v; sort(A.begin(), A.end()); dfs(v,A); return ans; } };
49. 加起来和为目标值的组合
class Solution { public: vector<vector<int>> ans; void dfs(int i, vector<int>& v, vector<int>& A, int tg) { if (tg==0) { ans.push_back(v); return; } for (int j=i; j<A.size(); j++) { if (tg<A[j]) break; if (j>i && A[j-1]==A[j]) continue; v.push_back(A[j]); dfs(j+1,v,A,tg-A[j]); v.pop_back(); } } vector<vector<int>> combinationSum2(vector<int> &A, int tg) { vector<int> v; sort(A.begin(), A.end()); dfs(0,v,A,tg); return ans; } };
50. 数字字符串转化成IP地址
class Solution { public: vector<string> ans; void dfs(int i, vector<string>& v, string& s) { if (i>s.size() || (i<s.size() && v.size()==4)) return; if (i==s.size() && v.size()==4) { string t=v[0]; for (int j=1; j<v.size(); j++) t+="."+v[j]; ans.push_back(t); return; } for (int len=1; len<=3; len++) { string sub=s.substr(i, len); if (sub[0]=='0' && sub.size()>1) continue; int n=atoi(sub.c_str()); if (n>=0 && n<=255) { v.push_back(sub); dfs(i+len, v, s); v.pop_back(); } } } vector<string> restoreIpAddresses(string s) { vector<string> v; dfs(0,v,s); return ans; } };
51. 集合的所有子集
class Solution { public: vector<vector<int>> ans; void dfs(int i, vector<int>& v, vector<int> &S) { if (i==S.size()) return; v.push_back(S[i]); ans.push_back(v); dfs(i+1,v,S); v.pop_back(); dfs(i+1,v,S); } vector<vector<int> > subsets(vector<int> &S) { vector<int> v; ans.push_back(v); dfs(0,v,S); return ans; } };
52. 分糖果问题
class Solution { public: int candy(vector<int>& A) { int n=A.size(); vector<int> f(n,1); for (int i=1; i<n; i++) if (A[i-1]<A[i]) f[i]=f[i-1]+1; for (int i=n-2; i>=0; i--) if (A[i]>A[i+1]) f[i]=max(f[i+1]+1, f[i]); return accumulate(f.begin(),f.end(),0); } };
53. 缺失数字
class Solution { public: int solve(int* a, int n) { int s=n*(n+1)/2, t=accumulate(a,a+n,0); return s-t; } };
54. 反转数字
#include<bits/stdc++.h> class Solution { public: int reverse(int x) { string s=to_string(x), t; bool isNeg=false; if (!isdigit(s[0])) t=s.substr(1), isNeg=1; else t=s; std::reverse(t.begin(),t.end()); long long n=stoll(t); if (n>INT_MAX) { n=INT_MAX; } else if (isNeg) { n*=-1; if (n<=INT_MIN) n=INT_MIN; } return (int) n; } };
55. 有关阶乘的两个问题1
typedef long long ll; class Solution { public: ll thenumberof0(ll n) { ll c2=0, c5=0, k=5; while (n>=k) c5+=n/k, k*=5; return c5; } };
55. 求平方根
public class Solution { public int sqrt(int x) { int i = 1; int res = 0; while (x >= 0) { x -= i; res++; i += 2; } return res - 1; } }
56. 丑数
class Solution: def GetUglyNumber_Solution(self, index): if index<=0: return 0 uglylist=[1] p2=p3=p5=0 for i in range(index-1): newugly = min(uglylist[p2]*2,uglylist[p5]*5,uglylist[p3]*3) uglylist.append(newugly) if not newugly % 2: p2+=1 if not newugly %3: p3+=1 if not newugly %5: p5+=1 return uglylist[-1]
57. 三个数的最大乘积
class Solution: def solve(self , A): inf = float('inf') max1=max2=max3=-inf min1=min2=inf for x in A: if x > max1: max3, max2, max1 = max2, max1, x elif x >max2: max3, max2 = max2, x elif x > max3: max3=x if x < min1: min2, min1 = min1, x elif x < min2: min2=x return max(max2*max3, min1*min2)*max1
58. 二进制中1的个数
class Solution: def NumberOf1(self, n): ans=0 n&=0xffffffff #最小负数的补码为1000 0001,而while进入条件是大于0 while n > 0: x = n & 1 if x == 1: ans+=1 n >>= 1 return ans
59. 二叉树的最大深度
class Solution: def maxDepth(self , root ): def dfs(root): if (root is None): return 0; l=dfs(root.left) r=dfs(root.right) return max(l,r)+1 return dfs(root)
60. 平衡二叉树
class Solution: ans=True def IsBalanced_Solution(self, root): def dfs(root): if root is None: return 0 l=dfs(root.left) r=dfs(root.right) if abs(r-l)>1: self.ans=False return max(l,r)+1 dfs(root) return self.ans
61. 判断二叉树是否对称
class Solution: def isSymmetric(self , root ): def dfs(l, r): if l is None and r is None: return True; if l is None or r is None: return False; return l.val==r.val and dfs(l.left, r.right) and dfs(l.right, r.left) if root is None: return True return dfs(root.left, root.right)
62. 二叉树中是否存在节点和为指定值的路径
class Solution: ans=False def hasPathSum(self , root , sum ): def dfs(root, s): if self.ans or root is None: return if root.left is None and root.right is None: self.ans=(s==root.val) dfs(root.left, s-root.val) dfs(root.right, s-root.val) dfs(root, sum) return self.ans
63. 将升序数组转化为平衡二叉搜索树
class TreeNode: def __init__(self, x): self.val = x self.left = None self.right = None class Solution: def sortedArrayToBST(self , A ): def dfs(l,r,A): if l>=r: return None m=l+r>>1 root=TreeNode(A[m]) root.left=dfs(l,m,A) root.right=dfs(m+1,r,A) return root return dfs(0,len(A),A)
64. 二叉树根节点到叶子节点的所有路径和
class Solution: def sumNumbers(self , root ): def dfs(root, x): if root is None: return 0 x=x*10+root.val; if root.left is None and root.right is None: return x return dfs(root.left, x) + dfs(root.right, x) return dfs(root, 0)
65. 二叉树根节点到叶子节点和为指定值的路径
class Solution: def pathSum(self , root , sum ): ans=[] def dfs(root, s, path): path=path+[root.val] if s==root.val and not root.left and not root.right: ans.append(path) if root.left: dfs(root.left, s-root.val, path) if root.right: dfs(root.right, s-root.val, path) path=[] if not root: return path dfs(root,sum,path) return ans;
66. 岛屿数量
class Solution: def solve(self , g ): n,m=len(g),len(g[0]) d=[[0,1],[1,0],[-1,0],[0,-1]] def dfs(x,y,g): st=[(x,y)] while st: x,y=st.pop() g[x][y]='0' for k in range(4): tx,ty=x+d[k][0],y+d[k][1] if tx>=0 and tx<n and ty>=0 and ty<m and g[tx][ty]=='1': st.append((tx,ty)) ans=0 for i in range(n): for j in range(m): if g[i][j]=='1': ans+=1 dfs(i,j,g) return ans
67. 重建二叉树
- 我们先从前序遍历得到根的值 rootVal。
- 然后从中序遍历找出根的下标 rootID 以及根的左子树的大小 leftSize。
- 递归地构造根的左子树和右子树。
class Solution: def reConstructBinaryTree(self, pre, tin): n=len(pre) mp={} for i in range(0,n): mp[tin[i]]=i def dfs(pL,pR,iL,iR): if iL>iR: return None rv=pre[pL] #根的值 rp=mp[rv] #根在中序遍历中的为孩子 lsz=rp-iL #左子树的大小 root=TreeNode(rv) root.left=dfs(pL+1,pL+lsz,iL,rp-1) root.right=dfs(pL+lsz+1,pR,rp+1,iR) return root return dfs(0,n-1,0,n-1)
68. 判断一棵二叉树是否为搜索二叉树和完全二叉树
class Solution { public: int pre=INT_MIN; vector<bool> judgeIt(TreeNode* root) { // write code here bool flag1=isSearch(root); bool flag2=isCom(root); return {flag1,flag2}; } bool isSearch(TreeNode*root){ if(root){ bool res=isSearch(root->left); if(!res) return false; if(root->val<=pre) return false; else pre=root->val; return isSearch(root->right); } return true; } bool flag=false; bool isCom(TreeNode* root){ if(root==nullptr) return true; if(root->left==nullptr&&root->right==nullptr) return true; if(root->left!=nullptr&&root->right==nullptr){ if(flag) return false; else flag=true; } if(root->left==nullptr&&root->right!=nullptr) return false; return isCom(root->left)&&isCom(root->right); } };
69. 二叉树的最大路径和
class Solution: ans=-float('inf') def maxPathSum(self , root ): def dfs(root): if not root: return 0 ls=max(0,dfs(root.left)) rs=max(0,dfs(root.right)) self.ans=max(self.ans,ls+rs+root.val) return max(ls,rs)+root.val dfs(root) return self.ans
70. 合并两个有序的数组
class Solution: def merge(self , A, n, B, m): i,j,k=n-1,m-1,n+m-1 while ~i and ~j: if A[i]<B[j]: A[k]=B[j] k-=1 j-=1 else: A[k]=A[i] k-=1 i-=1 while ~i: A[k]=A[i] k-=1 i-=1 while ~j: A[k]=B[j] k-=1 j-=1
71. 链表中倒数第k个结点
class Solution: def FindKthToTail(self, head, k): if not head: return None slow,fast=head,head for i in range(k): if not fast: return None fast=fast.next while fast: slow=slow.next fast=fast.next return slow
72. 链表中环的入口节点
class Solution: def detectCycle(self , head ): mp={} while head: if head in mp: return head mp[head]=True head=head.next return None
思路: 双指针,然后修改引用指向即可
class ListNode: def __init__(self, x): self.val = x self.next = None class Solution: def removeNthFromEnd(self , head , n ): dead,slow,fast=ListNode(-1),head,head dead.next=head for i in range(n): fast=fast.next if not fast: return head.next while fast and fast.next: slow=slow.next fast=fast.next slow.next=slow.next.next return dead.next
74. 容器盛水问题
typedef long long ll; const int N=1e6+5; class Solution { public: int l[N], r[N]; ll maxWater(vector<int>& A) { ll n=A.size(), ans=0, lmx=0, rmx=0; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { lmx=max(lmx,(ll) A[i]); rmx=max(rmx,(ll) A[n-i-1]); l[i]=lmx-A[i]; r[n-i-1]=rmx-A[n-i-1]; } for (int i=0; i<n; i++) ans+=min(l[i], r[i]); return ans; } };
75. 数组中相加和为0的三元组
class Solution: def threeSum(self , A ): n,tar,ans=len(A),0,[] if n<3: return ans A=sorted(A) for i in range(n): if A[i]>0: break if i>0 and A[i-1]==A[i]: continue l,r=i+1,n-1 while l<r: s=A[i]+A[l]+A[r] if s>tar: r-=1 elif s<tar: l+=1 else: ans.append([A[i],A[l],A[r]]) while l+1<r and A[l]==A[l+1]: l+=1 while r-1>l and A[r]==A[r-1]: r-=1 l+=1 r-=1 return ans
76. 滑动窗口的最大值
思路: 队列维护大小为k的窗口(元素单调递减),只有当i>=k-1时(即遍历够k个元素才输出到ans中)
class Solution: def maxInWindows(self, A, k): n,ans,q=len(A),[],[] if k>n or k==0: return ans for i in range(n): while q and A[i]>=A[q[-1]]: q.pop() q.append(i) while i-q[0]+1>k: q.pop(0) if i>=k-1: ans.append(A[q[0]]) return ans
77. 最小覆盖子串
import collections class Solution: def minWindow(self, s, t ): n,m=len(s),len(t) need=collections.Counter(t) mp=collections.defaultdict(int) l,r,ansL,ansR,mi,fd=0,0,0,0,n+5,0 for r in range(n): c=s[r] if need[c]: mp[c]+=1 if (mp[c]==need[c]): fd+=1 while fd==len(need): if mi>r-l+1: mi=r-l+1 ansL,ansR=l,r+1 if need[s[l]]: if mp[s[l]]==need[s[l]]: fd-=1 mp[s[l]]-=1 l+=1 return s[ansL:ansR]
78. 二分查找
class Solution: def upper_bound_(self,n,v,a ): if a[-1]<v: return n+1 l,r=0,n while l<r: m=l+r>>1 if a[m]<v: l=m+1 else: r=m return l+1
79. 数字在升序数组中出现的次数
class Solution: def GetNumberOfK(self, A, x): n=len(A) def lower_bound(): l,r=0,n while l<r: m = l+r>>1 if A[m]>=x: r=m else: l=m+1 return l def upper_bound(): l,r=0,n while l<r: m=l+r>>1 if A[m]>x: r=m else: l=m+1 return l return upper_bound()-lower_bound()
80. 旋转数组的最小数字
class Solution: def minNumberInRotateArray(self, A): l,r=0,len(A)-1 while l<r: m=l+r>>1 if A[m]>A[r]: l=m+1 #[m,r]为升序数组,且A[m]不可能成为答案 elif A[m]<A[r]: r=m #[m,r]为降序数组,且A[m]有可能作为答案 else: r-=1 return A[l]
81. 矩阵查找
class Solution: def searchMatrix(self , g , x ): n,m=len(g),len(g[0]) i,j=0,m-1 while i<n and j>=0: if x>g[i][j]: i+=1 elif x<g[i][j]: j-=1 else: return True return False
82. 在转动过的有序数组中寻找目标值
class Solution: def search(self , A , x ): l,r=0,len(A)-1 while l<=r: m=l+r>>1 if x==A[m]: return m # [l,m]是升序 if A[l]<=A[m]: if A[l]<=x and x<=A[m]: r=m-1 else: l=m+1 # [m,r]是升序 else: if x>=A[m] and x<=A[r]: l=m+1 else: r=m return -1
83. 完全二叉树结点数
class Solution: def nodeNum(self , root ): def getH(root): h=0 while root: root=root.left h+=1 return h if not root: return 0 lh=getH(root.left) rh=getH(root.right) if lh==rh: return (1<<lh)+self.nodeNum(root.right) else: return (1<<rh)+self.nodeNum(root.left)
84. 寻找峰值
class Solution: def solve(self , A ): for i in range(len(A)-1, 0, -1): if A[i-1]<A[i]: return i
85. 最长递增子序列
- dp[i]表示到arr[i]为止最长的递增子序列
- res用来存储字典序最小的最长子序列,倒序遍历dp,即可
class Solution { public: vector<int> LIS(vector<int>& A) { int n=A.size(); vector<int> dp(n); vector<int> minnum(n); int k=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ if(k==0||A[i]>minnum[k-1]){ dp[i]=k; minnum[k++]=A[i]; } else{ int l=0,r=k; while(l<=r){ int mid=(l+r)/2; if(minnum[mid]<A[i]) l=mid+1; else r=mid-1; } minnum[l]=A[i]; dp[i]=l; } } vector<int> res(k); k--; for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--){ if(dp[i]==k) res[k--]=A[i]; } return res; } };
86. 在两个长度相等的排序数组中找到上中位数
import java.util.*; public class Solution { public int findMedianinTwoSortedAray (int[] A, int[] B) { int p1=0,p2=0,mid=0; for(int i=0;i<A.length;i++){ if(A[p1]<=B[p2]){ mid=A[p1]; p1++; }else{ mid=B[p2]; p2++; } } return mid; } }
87. 数组中只出现一次的数字
import collections class Solution: def FindNumsAppearOnce(self, A): cnt=collections.defaultdict() for x in A: cnt[x]=cnt.get(x,0)+1 ans=[] for k,v in cnt.items(): if v==1: ans.append(k) return ans
- 一组是第k位没有1
- 一组是第k位有1
class Solution: def FindNumsAppearOnce(self, A): n=len(A) x,y,t=0,0,0 for v in A: t^=v k=0 #t的最后一位1的位置 for i in range(32): if (t>>i)&1==1: k=i break for v in A: if (v>>k)&1==1: x^=v else: y^=v return [x,y]
88. 进制转换
思路: 注意负数,以及n大于9时的特殊情况即可
class Solution: def solve(self, m, n): def get(x): if 0<=x and x<10: return str(x) return chr(x-10+65) isNeg=False if m<0: m=-m isNeg=True ans='' while m>0: ans=get(m%n)+ans m/=n return '-'+ans if isNeg else ans
89. 数组中的最长连续子序列
class Solution { public: int MLS(vector<int>& A) { sort(A.begin(), A.end()); int n=A.size(), ans=1, cur=1; for (int i=1; i<n; i++) if (A[i-1]!=A[i]) { if (A[i-1]+1==A[i]) { cur++; ans=max(ans, cur); } else { cur=1; //遇到不连续的就赋初值 } } return ans; } };
90. 求二叉树的层序遍历
思路: 记录深度的递归求解
class Solution: def levelOrder(self , root ): ans=[] def dfs(root, d): if not root: return if len(ans)==d: ans.append([root.val]) else: ans[d].append(root.val) dfs(root.left, d+1) dfs(root.right, d+1) dfs(root,0) return ans
91. 把二叉树打印成多行
思路: 层序遍历+py的细节处理即可
class Solution: def Print(self, root): if not root: return [] ans,q=[],[] d=0 q.append(root) while q: sz=len(q) for i in range(sz): t=q.pop(0) if len(ans)==d: ans.appe***al]) else: ans[d].appe***al) if t.left: q.append(t.left) if t.right: q.append(t.right) d+=1 return ans
92. 二叉树的之字形层序遍历
思路: 层序遍历+奇数层逆序
class Solution: def zigzagLevelOrder(self , root ): if not root: return [] ans,q=[],[] d=0 q.append(root) while q: sz=len(q) for i in range(sz): t=q.pop(0) if len(ans)==d: ans.appe***al]) else: ans[d].appe***al) if t.left: q.append(t.left) if t.right: q.append(t.right) if d&1: ans[d].reverse() d+=1 return ans
93. 用两个栈实现队列
class Solution: st,cache=[],[] def push(self, x): self.st.append(x) def pop(self): while self.st: self.cache.append(self.st[-1]) self.st.pop(-1) ans=self.cache.pop(-1) while self.cache: self.st.append(self.cache[-1]) self.cache.pop(-1) return ans
94. 设计getMin功能的栈
思路: 双栈伺候,因为要存储过程中的全部最小值,所以需要另一个栈存储越新鲜的最小值
class Solution: def getMinStack(self , ops ): st,mst,ans=[],[],[] for op in ops: if op[0]==1: st.append(op[1]) if not mst or mst[-1]>op[1]: mst.append(op[1]) elif op[0]==2: top=st.pop(-1) if mst and mst[-1]==top: mst.pop(-1) else: ans.append(mst[-1]) return ans
95. 实现二叉树先序,中序和后序遍历
思路: 啊这,换个位置?说什么呢?正经思路是:
class Solution: def threeOrders(self , root ): pre,inn,post=[],[],[] def dfs(root): if not root: return pre.append(root.val) dfs(root.left) inn.append(root.val) dfs(root.right) post.append(root.val) dfs(root) ans=[pre,inn,post] return ans
96. 表达式求值
- 用栈保存各部分计算的和
- 遇到数字时继续遍历求这个完整的数字的值
- 遇到(时递归求括号里面的值
class Solution { public: int solve(string s) { int k=0; return helper(s,k); } int helper(string s,int &index){ stack<int> s1; char sign='+'; int res=0; for( index;index<s.size();index++){ if(isdigit(s[index])){ res=res*10+(s[index]-'0'); } if(s[index]=='+'||s[index]=='-'||s[index]=='*'||(index==s.size()-1)){ if(sign=='+'){ s1.push(res); }else if(sign=='-') { s1.push(-res); }else{ int k1=s1.top(); s1.pop(); s1.push(k1*res); } res=0; sign=s[index]; } if(s[index]=='('){ index++; res=helper(s,index); }else if(s[index]==')'){ break; } } if(res!=0){ if(sign=='+'){ s1.push(res); }else if(sign=='-') { s1.push(-res); }else{ int k1=s1.top(); s1.pop(); s1.push(k1*res); } } int sum=0; while(!s1.empty()){ sum+=s1.top(); s1.pop(); } return sum; } };
97. 栈和排序
思路: 贪心+栈
const int N=1e6+5; class Solution { public: int mx[N]; vector<int> solve(int* A, int n) { vector<int> ans; stack<int> st; memset(mx, -1, sizeof mx); for (int i=n-1; ~i; i--) mx[i]=max(mx[i+1], A[i]); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { st.push(A[i]); if (mx[i]==A[i]) { ans.push_back(st.top()), st.pop(); while (i+1<n && !st.empty() && st.top()>mx[i+1]) ans.push_back(st.top()), st.pop(); } } while (!st.empty()) ans.push_back(st.top()), st.pop(); return ans; } };
98. 序列化二叉树
思路: 只要是能遍历一棵树的方法都行,这里采用层序遍历
function TreeNode(x) { this.val = x; this.left = null; this.right = null; } function Serialize(pRoot) { if (!pRoot) return ""; let res = []; let tree = [pRoot]; while (tree.length) { let len = tree.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { let node = tree.shift(); if (!node) { res.push("#"); continue; } res.push(node.val); tree.push(node.left, node.right); } } return res.join(" "); } function Deserialize(s) { if (!s) return null; let arr = s.split(/\s/g); let root = new TreeNode(arr[0]); let tree = [root]; let i = 1; while (tree.length){ let node = tree.shift(); if (!node) continue; node.left = arr[i] !== "#" ? new TreeNode(arr[i]) : null; node.right = arr[i + 1] !== "#" ? new TreeNode(arr[i + 1]) : null; i += 2; tree.push(node.left, node.right); } return root; } module.exports = { Serialize : Serialize, Deserialize : Deserialize };
99. 合并二叉树
思路: 始终以一棵树为基准进行合并,且返回这个节点
class Solution: def mergeTrees(self , t1 , t2 ): def dfs(p, q): if not ***ot q: return p if p else q p.val+=q.val p.left=dfs(p.left, q.left) p.right=dfs(p.right, q.right) return p return dfs(t1,t2)
100. 二叉树的镜像
思路: 不断交换即可,不难
class Solution: def Mirror(self, root): def dfs(root): if not root: return root.left,root.right=root.right,root.left dfs(root.left) dfs(root.right) dfs(root) return root
101. 判断t1树中是否有与t2树拓扑结构完全相同的子树
思路: 双指针判断子序列的思想
public class Solution { public boolean isContains (TreeNode p, TreeNode q) { if (q==null) return true; if (p==null) return false; if (p.val==q.val) return isContains(p.left, q.left) && isContains(p.right, q.right); return isContains(p.left, q) || isContains(p.right, q); } }
102. 树的直径
思路: 记录最大与次大即可
class Solution { public: int ans = INT_MIN; int solve(int n, vector<Interval>& Tree_edge, vector<int>& Edge_value) { vector<vector<pair<int,int>> > g(n); for(int i = 0; i < Tree_edge.size(); i++){ auto e = Tree_edge[i]; g[e.start].push_back(make_pair(e.end, Edge_value[i])); g[e.end].push_back(make_pair(e.start, Edge_value[i])); } int pre = -1, cur = 0; dfs(g, pre, cur); return ans; } int dfs(vector<vector<pair<int,int>> >& g, int pre, int cur){ int d1 = 0, d2 = 0;//d1保最大值,d2保存次大值 for(int i = 0; i < g[cur].size(); i++){ int node = g[cur][i].first;//当前节点相连接的下一个节点 if(node != pre){//判断当前的节点不是和它相连接的上一个节点 int d = dfs(g, cur, node) + g[cur][i].second; if(d > d1){ d2 = d1; d1 = d; }else if(d > d2){ d2 = d; } } } ans = max(ans, d1 + d2);//保存当前遍历过的元素的最大路径 return d1; } };
103. 二叉搜索树的第k个结点
思路: 非递归模拟计算机压栈退栈
class Solution: def KthNode(self, root, k): ans,p,st=None,root,[] while st or p: if p: st.append(p) p=p.left else: p=st.pop() if k-1==0: return p k-=1 p=p.right return None
104. 输出二叉树的右视图
思路: 构造二叉树,然后优先遍历右子树,在遍历左子树
import collections class Solution: def solve(self, pre, inn): def dfs(pL, pR, iL, iR, pre, inn): if pL>pR: return None rp=mp[pre[pL]] lsz=rp-iL root=TreeNode(pre[pL]) root.left=dfs(pL+1,pL+lsz,iL,rp-1,pre,inn) root.right=dfs(pL+lsz+1,pR,rp+1,iR,pre,inn) return root n,mp=len(pre),collections.defaultdict(int) for i in range(n): mp[inn[i]]=i root=dfs(0,n-1,0,n-1,pre,inn) def get(root,ans,d): if not root: return if d==len(ans): ans.append(root.val) get(root.right,ans,d+1) get(root.left,ans,d+1) ans=[] get(root,ans,0) return ans
105. 在二叉树中找到两个节点的最近公共祖先
思路: 遍历q及其父节点,如果list的父节点中含有,则返回,即为最近的共同祖先
import java.util.*; public class Solution { HashMap<Integer,Integer> mp = new HashMap<>(); public int lowestCommonAncestor (TreeNode root, int p, int q) { if(root.val==p||root.val==q) return root.val; ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); dfs(root); list.add(p); while(mp.get(p)!=null){ list.add(mp.get(p)); p = mp.get(p); } if(list.contains(q)) return q; //遍历q的祖先,找出最近的公共祖先 while(mp.get(q)!=null){ q = mp.get(q); if(list.contains(q)) return q; } return -1; } void dfs(TreeNode root){ if(root.left!=null){ mp.put(root.left.val,root.val); dfs(root.left); } if(root.right!=null){ mp.put(root.right.val,root.val); dfs(root.right); } } }
106. 找到搜索二叉树中两个错误的节点
思路: 中序遍历+用pre记录当前结点的前一个结点,两个结点交换了会发生什么?第一个降序结构的第一个结点是err[0],最后一个降序结构的第一个结点是err[1]
class Solution { public: vector<int> findError(TreeNode* root) { stack<TreeNode*> st; TreeNode* pre=NULL; int u=-1,v; while (!st.empty() || root!=NULL) { if (root!=NULL) { st.push(root); root=root->left; } else { root=st.top(); st.pop(); if (pre!=NULL && pre->val>root->val) { if (u==-1) u=pre->val; v=root->val; } pre=root; root=root->right; } } return {v,u}; } };
107. 两数之和
思路: 直接map记录数字的位置
import collections class Solution: def twoSum(self , A , tar ): n=len(A) mp=collections.defaultdict(int) for i in range(n): if mp.get(tar-A[i]): return [mp[tar-A[i]], i+1] mp[A[i]]=i+1 return []
108. 未排序数组中累加和为给定值的最长子数组长度
思路: mp记录前缀和的位置,前缀和0的位置默认为0(特殊处理)
import collections class Solution: def maxlenEqualK(self , A , k ): n,s,ans=len(A),0,0 mp={0:-1} for i in range(n): s+=A[i] if s-k in mp: ans=max(ans, i-mp[s-k]) if s not in mp: mp[s]=i return ans
109. 出现次数的TopK问题
思路: 先对数组排序,在用map统计频次,over
import collections class Solution: def topKstrings(self , A , k ): A.sort() cnt=collections.defaultdict(int) for s in A: cnt[s]+=1 list=sorted(cnt.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True) return [[str(list[i][0]), str(list[i][1])] for i in range(k)]
110. 找到字符串的最长无重复字符子串
思路: 字典记录每个数字出现的位置,双指针做即可
class Solution: def maxLength(self , A ): my_dict = {} left, right = 0, 0 n,ans = len(A), float('-inf') while right<=n-1: if not A[right] in my_dict: my_dict[A[right]] = right right += 1 else: ans = max(ans, right - left) for i in range(left, my_dict[A[right]]): my_dict.pop(A[i]) left = my_dict[A[right]]+1 my_dict[A[right]] = right right += 1 ans = max(ans, right - left) return ans
111. 数独
思路: 简单回溯,能否填数字即可
class Solution: def solveSudoku(self , g ): num_set = set([str(i) for i in range(1,10)]) v_set = [set() for i in range(9)] h_set = [set() for i in range(9)] s_set = [set() for i in range(9)] def get_part(x,y): return x//3*3+y//3 def set_num(x,y,num): v_set[x].add(num) h_set[y].add(num) s_set[x//3*3+y//3].add(num) g[x][y] = num def remove_num(x,y,num): v_set[x].remove(num) h_set[y].remove(num) s_set[x//3*3+y//3].remove(num) g[x][y] = "." for i in range(9): for j in range(9): if g[i][j]!=".": v_set[i].add(g[i][j]) h_set[j].add(g[i][j]) s_set[i//3*3+j//3].add(g[i][j]) def is_valid(x,y,num): if num not in v_set[x] and num not in h_set[y] and num not in s_set[x//3*3+y//3]: return True return False def backtrack(x,y): if x>8: return True if y>8: return backtrack(x+1,0) if g[x][y]!=".": return backtrack(x,y+1) for i in range(1,10): str_i = str(i) if is_valid(x,y,str_i): set_num(x,y,str_i) if backtrack(x,y+1): return True remove_num(x,y,str_i) return False backtrack(0,0) return g
112. 随时找到数据流的中位数(*)
113. 跳台阶
思路: 简单递推
class Solution: def jumpFloor(self, n): f=[0]*(int(1e5+5)) f[0]=f[1]=1 for i in range(2,n+1): f[i]=f[i-1]+f[i-2] return f[n]
114. 拼接所有的字符串产生字典序最小的字符串
思路: a<b,则有:a+b<b+a
class Solution { public: string minString(vector<string>& A) { string ans; sort(A.begin(), A.end(), [&](const string& a, const string& b) { return a+b<b+a; }); for (string& s : A) ans+=s; return ans; } };
115. 丢棋子问题(*)
116. 二叉搜索树与双向链表
思路: 记录当前结点的前驱结点
class Solution: forword,head=None,None def Convert(self , root ): def dfs(root): if not root: return dfs(root.left) if not self.head: self.forword=root self.head=root else: self.forword.right=root root.left=self.forword self.forword=root dfs(root.right) dfs(root) return self.head
117. 顺时针旋转矩阵
class Rotate: def rotateMatrix(self, g, n): ans=[[0]*n for i in range(n)] for i in range(n): for j in range(n): ans[j][n-i-1]=g[i][j] return ans
118. 螺旋矩阵
思路: 不断换方向即可,简单模拟
class Solution: def spiralOrder(self , matrix ): res = []; if (len(matrix) == 0 or len(matrix[0]) == 0): return res; rowBegin = 0; rowEnd = len(matrix) - 1; colBegin = 0; colEnd = len(matrix[0]) - 1; while (rowBegin <= rowEnd and colBegin <= colEnd) : # Traverse Right for j in range(colBegin, colEnd+1, 1): res.append(matrix[rowBegin][j]); rowBegin += 1 # Traverse Down for j in range(rowBegin, rowEnd+1, 1): res.append(matrix[j][colEnd]); colEnd -= 1 if (rowBegin > rowEnd or colBegin > colEnd) : break; # Traverse Left for j in range(colEnd, colBegin-1, -1): res.append(matrix[rowEnd][j]); rowEnd -= 1 # Traverse Up for j in range(rowEnd, rowBegin-1, -1): res.append(matrix[j][colBegin]); colBegin += 1 return res;
119. 合并区间
思路: 先按start升序排序,然后如果有重叠,则判断是两个区间合起来后包含还是扩展,没有重叠直接加到ans即可
class Solution: def merge(self , A ): n,ans=len(A),[] A.sort(key=lambda x : x.start) for e in A: if ans and ans[-1].end>=e.start: ans[-1].end=max(ans[-1].end, e.end) else: ans.append(e) return ans
120. N皇后问题
import java.util.*; public class Solution { private int count = 0; public int Nqueen(int n) { if (n < 1) return 0; dfs(0,0,0,0,n); return count; } private void dfs(int row, int col, int pie, int na,int n) { if (row >= n) { count++; return; } int bit = (~(col | pie | na)) & ((1<<n) - 1); // 去掉所有高位 while (bit > 0) { int p = bit & -bit; dfs(row + 1,col | p,(pie | p ) << 1,(na | p) >> 1,n); bit &= (bit - 1); } } }
121. 数组中未出现的最小正整数
思路: ans记录最小正数,set记录整数的出现,只要是连续的,就记录下来
import collections class Solution: def minNumberdisappered(self, A): ans=1 st=collections.defaultdict(bool) for x in A: st[x]=1 while (st.get(ans,False)): ans+=1 return ans
122. 数组中未出现的最小正整数
思路: 作差法(前提是要保证A加上这个缺失的数字是连续数组)
class Solution: def minNumberdisappered(self, A): s1=s2=0 mi,mx=float('inf'),-float('inf') for x in A: mi=min(mi,x) mx=max(mx,x) s1+=x for i in range(mi,mx+1): s2+=i ans=mx+1 if s1==s2 else s2-s1 #没有/有缺失的正数 return max(1,ans)
123. 回文数字
思路: 从低位开始取即可
import sys class Solution: def isPalindrome(self, x: int) -> bool: t,v,inf=x,0,sys.maxsize if x<0: return False while x: dig=x%10 v=v*10+dig x=x//10 if v>inf: v=inf return t==v
124. 扑克牌顺子
思路: 从数组中的最小值开始,检查是否可以用有限的0代替缺失的数字,如果能,返回true;当然,一种特殊情况
class Solution: def IsContinuous(self, A): if not A: return False n,cnt,mp=len(A),[0],[False]*50 mi,mx=float('inf'),-float('inf') for x in A: if x==0: cnt[x]+=1 else: mp[x]=True mi=min(mi,x) mx=max(mx,x) l=0 for i in range(mi,mx+1): if mp[i]: l+=1 else: if cnt[0]>0: cnt[0]-=1 l+=1 else: return False if l<n: while cnt[0]>0: l+=1 cnt[0]-=1 return l==n
125. 斐波那契数列
思路: 简单递推
class Solution: def Fibonacci(self, n): if not n: return 0 a,b,c=0,1,1 for i in range(n-2): a=b b=c c=a+b return c
126. 单链表的排序
class Solution: def sortInList(self , head ): A=[] ans,t=ListNode(-1),head while t: A.appe***al) t=t.next A.sort() cur=ListNode(A[0]) ans.next=cur for i in range(1,len(A)): nxt=ListNode(A[i]) cur.next=nxt cur=nxt return ans.next
126. 括号生成
class Solution: def generateParenthesis(self , n ): def dfs(l,r,s,A): if l==0 and r==0: A.append(s) return if l>0: dfs(l-1,r,s+'(',A) if l<r: dfs(l,r-1,s+')',A) A=[] dfs(n,n,'',A) return A
127. 调整数组顺序使奇数位于偶数前面
class Solution: def reOrderArray(self , A ): oi,ei,loi,lei,n=-1,-1,-1,-1,len(A) B,C=[],[] for i in range(n): if A[i]&1: B.append(A[i]) else: C.append(A[i]) B+=C return B
128. 字符串变形
class Transform: def trans(self, s, n): ans='' for c in s: if c==' ': ans+=c elif c.isupper(): ans+=c.lower() else: ans+=c.upper() A=ans.split(' ') return ' '.join(A[::-1])
129. 将字符串转化为整数
class Solution: def atoi(self , str ): min_int = -(1<<31) max_int = (1<<31)-1 str = str.strip() if str == '': return 0 sign = 1 if str[0] == '-': sign = -1 str = str[1: len(str)] elif str[0] == '+': str = str[1: len(str)] length, end = len(str), len(str) for i in range(length): if str[i]>='0' and str[i]<='9': continue else: end = i break str = str[0: end] if str == '': return 0 else: ans = sign*int(str) if ans < min_int: ans = min_int if ans > max_int: ans = max_int return ans
130. 比较版本号
class Solution: def compare(self , s: str, t: str): i,j,n,m=0,0,len(s),len(t) a=b=0 while i<n and j<m: if s[i].isdigit(): a=a*10+int(s[i]) i+=1 if t[j].isdigit(): b=b*10+int(t[j]) j+=1 if i<n and j<m and s[i]=='.' and t[j]=='.': if a<b: return -1 elif a>b: return 1 a=b=0 i,j=i+1,j+1 if n-i==m-j: return 0 return -1 if n-i<m-j else 1
131. 设计LRU缓存结构
class Solution { public: vector<int>ans; vector<int> LRU(vector<vector<int> >& operators, int k) { vector<int> r; vector<int> key; for(int i = 0; i < operators.size(); i++){ if(operators[i][0] == 1){ set(operators[i][1], operators[i][2], r, key, k); } if(operators[i][0] == 2){ get(operators[i][1], r, key); } } return ans; } void set(int a, int b, vector<int> &r, vector<int> &key, int k){ if(r.size() < k){ key.push_back(a); r.push_back(b); } else{ key.erase(key.begin()); r.erase(r.begin()); key.push_back(a); r.push_back(b); } } void get(int a, vector<int> &r, vector<int> &key){ int t = -1; for(int i = 0; i < key.size(); i++){ if(a == key[i]){ t = i; break; } } if(t == -1){ ans.push_back(-1); } else{ int t1, t2; t1 = key[t]; t2 = r[t]; key.erase(key.begin() + t); r.erase(r.begin() + t); key.push_back(t1); r.push_back(t2); ans.push_back(t2); } } };
132. 判断回文
class Solution: def judge(self , s ): l,r=0,len(s)-1 while l<r: if s[l]!=s[r]: return False l,r=l+1,r-1 return True
132. 旋转字符串
class Solution: def solve(self , A , B ): n=len(A) for i in range(1,n): fir,sec=A[0:i],A[i:] t=sec+fir if t==B: return True return False
133. 旋转数组
class Solution { public: vector<int> solve(int n, int m, vector<int>& a) { vector<int> d; int finished = 0, count = a.size(); for (int i=0; i < count; ++i) { if (finished >= count) break; int begin = i; int cur = i; int tmp = a[cur]; int prev = prev_index(cur, m, n); while (begin != prev) { d.push_back(cur); d.push_back(prev); d.push_back(0); finished++; a[cur] = a[prev]; cur = prev; prev = get(cur, m, n); } finished++; d.push_back(cur); d.push_back(tmp); d.push_back(0); a[cur] = tmp; } for (auto& i : a) d.push_back(i); return a; } int get(int i, int len, int count) { i -= len; while (i < 0) i += count; return i; } };
134. 验证IP地址
class Solution: def solve(self , s ): def isIPV4(A): for s in A: if s.startswith("0") or len(s)>3 or int(s)>255: return False return True def isIPV6(A): for s in A: if len(s)>4: return False return True A=s.split(".") B=s.split(":") if not isIPV4(A) and not isIPV6(B): return "Neither" return "IPv4" if isIPV4(A) else "IPv6"
135. 数组中的逆序对
class Solution: ans,mod=0,int(1e9+7) def InversePairs(self, A): def merge_sort(l,r,A): if l>=r: return m=l+r>>1 merge_sort(l,m,A) merge_sort(m+1,r,A) i,j,B=l,m+1,[] while i<=m and j<=r: if A[i]<A[j]: B.append(A[i]) i+=1 else: B.append(A[j]) self.ans+=m-i+1 j+=1 while i<=m: B.append(A[i]) i+=1 while j<=r: B.append(A[j]) j+=1 i,j=l,0 while i<=r: A[i]=B[j] i,j=i+1,j+1 n=len(A) merge_sort(0,n-1,A) return self.ans%self.mod
136. 字典树的实现
class Solution: def trieU(self , operators ): strs, result = [],[] for i in range(len(operators)): case = int(operators[i][0]) string = operators[i][1] if case == 1: self.add(strs, string) elif case == 2: self.delete(strs, string) elif case == 3: self.search(strs, string, result) elif case == 4: self.cnt(strs, string, result) return result def add(self, strs, string): strs.append(string) def delete(self, strs, string): idx = strs.index(string) del strs[idx] def search(self, strs, string, result): if string in strs: result.append('YES') else: result.append('NO') def cnt(self, strs, string, result): count = 0 if len(strs) > 0: for s in strs: if s.startswith(string): count += 1 result.append(str(count))
137. 孩子们的游戏(圆圈中最后剩下的数)
class Solution: def LastRemaining_Solution(self, n, m): i,A=0,list(range(n)) while len(A)>1: i=(i+m-1)%len(A) A.pop(i) return -1 if len(A)==0 else A[0]
138. 环形链表的约瑟夫问题
class Solution { public: int dfs(int n, int m) { if (n==1) return 0; int j=dfs(n-1,m); return (j+m)%n; } int ysf(int n, int m) { return dfs(n,m)+1; } };
139. 矩阵最长递增路径
const int N=2005, dir[4][2] = { {1,0},{0,-1},{0,1},{-1,0} }; class Solution { public: int n,m,ans=1; int dfs(int x, int y, vector<vector<int>>& f, vector<vector<int> >& g) { if (f[x][y]) return f[x][y]; int mx=1; for (auto& d : dir) { int tx=x+d[0], ty=y+d[1]; if (tx>=0 && tx<n && ty>=0 && ty<m && g[tx][ty]>g[x][y]) mx=max(mx,dfs(tx,ty,f,g)+1); } return f[x][y]=mx; } int solve(vector<vector<int>>& g) { if (g.empty() || g[0].empty()) return 0; n=g.size(), m=g[0].size(); vector<vector<int>> f(m, vector<int>(n, 0)); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) for (int j=0; j<m; j++) ans=max(ans,dfs(i,j,f,g)); return ans; } };
140. 矩阵乘法
class Solution { public: vector<vector<int> > solve(vector<vector<int> >& a, vector<vector<int> >& b) { int n=a.size(); vector<vector<int>> c(n,vector<int>(n,0)); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) for (int j=0; j<n; j++) for (int k=0; k<n; k++) { c[i][j]+=a[i][k]*b[k][j]; } return c; } };
141. 最长重复子串
class Solution { public: bool valid(int l, int len, string& s) { for (int i=l; i<l+len; i++) if (s[i]!=s[i+len]) return false; return true; } int solve(string& s) { int n=s.size(); for (int len=n/2; len>0; len--) { for (int i=0; i<=n-2*len; i++) { if (valid(i,len,s)) return 2*len; } } return -1; } };
142. 随时找到数据流的中位数
class Solution { public: priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int>> minQ; priority_queue<int> maxQ; void addNum(int x) { maxQ.push(x); minQ.push(maxQ.top()), maxQ.pop(); if (minQ.size()>maxQ.size()+1) maxQ.push(minQ.top()), minQ.pop(); } double findMedian() { if (minQ.empty()) return -1; return minQ.size()!=maxQ.si***Q.top() : (minQ.top()+maxQ.top())*0.5; } vector<double> flowmedian(vector<vector<int> >& ops) { vector<double> ans; for (auto& op : ops) { if (op[0]==1) { addNum(op[1]); } else { //查询 ans.push_back(findMedian()); } } return ans; } };
143. 划分链表
class Solution: def partition(self , head , x ): dead1,dead2=ListNode(0),ListNode(0) a, b=dead1, dead2 #a是小于x的结点,b是所有大于等于x的结点 while (head): if (head.val < x): a.next=head a=a.next else: b.next=head b=b.next head=head.next a.next=dead2.next b.next=None return dead1.next
144. LFU缓存结构设计
import java.util.*; public class Solution { public class LFUCache { private class Node { int k; int v; int count; public Node(int k, int v) { this.k = k; this.v = v; count = 1; } } private int size; private int maxSize; private Map<Integer, Node> key2node; private Map<Integer, LinkedList<Node>> count2list; public LFUCache(int maxSize) { this.maxSize = maxSize; size = 0; key2node = new HashMap<>(); count2list = new HashMap<>(); } public void set(int k, int v) { if (key2node.containsKey(k)) { key2node.get(k).v = v; get(k); return; } Node node = new Node(k, v); if (!count2list.containsKey(node.count)) count2list.put(node.count, new LinkedList<>()); LinkedList<Node> list = count2list.get(node.count); list.addFirst(node); key2node.put(k, node); size++; if (size > maxSize) { key2node.remove(list.getLast().k); list.removeLast(); size--; } } public int get(int k) { if (!key2node.containsKey(k)) return -1; Node node = key2node.get(k); LinkedList<Node> oldList = count2list.get(node.count); oldList.remove(node); if (oldList.isEmpty()) count2list.remove(node.count); node.count++; if (!count2list.containsKey(node.count)) count2list.put(node.count, new LinkedList<>()); LinkedList<Node> list = count2list.get(node.count); list.addFirst(node); return node.v; } } public int[] LFU(int[][] operators, int k) { LFUCache cache = new LFUCache(k); List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (int[] e : operators) { if (e[0] == 1) cache.set(e[1], e[2]); else list.add(cache.get(e[1])); } int[] res = new int[list.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) res[i] = list.get(i); return res; } }
145. 丢棋子问题
class Solution { public: int solve(int n, int k) { if(n < 1) return 0; if(k == 1)return n; int t = log2(n) + 1; if( k >= t) return t; vector<int>f(k+1,0); int cnt=0; while(f[k] < n) { ++cnt; for(int i = k;i > 0;--i) f[i] += f[i-1] + 1; } return cnt; } };