牛客练习赛72 F brz的树
这场题好妙啊,不仅打开我的凸包新大门,这两题树也真是妙阿 brz, yyds!
然后是极妙的地方了, 对颜色C求虚树,直接看根节点有没有两个儿子即可。同时对所有儿子求lca,可得到颜色C仅在其子树中出现的dfs序最大的点,记录一下即可
struct BitTree { int res[Ma]; void add(int pos, int val) {for (; pos < Ma; pos += lowbit(pos)) res[pos] += val;} int sum(int pos) {int s = 0; for (; pos; pos -= lowbit(pos)) s += res[pos]; return s;} int range(int l, int r) {return sum(r - 1) - sum(l - 1);} }; int c[Ma]; vector<int> val[Ma]; int ans[Ma]; typedef pair<int, int*> ask_t; vector<ask_t> ak[Ma]; template<typename T> struct HLD { BitTree bt; static const int Ma = 1e5 + 100; int fa[Ma], dep[Ma], siz[Ma], son[Ma], st[Ma]; int top[Ma], dfn[Ma], rnk[Ma]; int cnt; typedef std::vector<std::vector<T>> Tree; const std::vector<std::vector<T> >& g; void dfs1(int u) { son[u] = -1; siz[u] = 1; for (const auto& i : g[u]) if (!dep[i]) { dep[i] = dep[u] + 1; fa[i] = u; dfs1(i); siz[u] += siz[i]; if (son[u] == -1 or siz[i] > siz[son[u]]) son[u] = i; } } void dfs2(int u, int f) { top[u] = f; dfn[u] = ++cnt; rnk[cnt] = u; if (!~son[u]) return ; dfs2(son[u], f); for (const auto& i : g[u]) if (i != son[u] and i != fa[u]) dfs2(i, i); } HLD(std::vector<std::vector<T> >& gg) : g(gg) { memset(dep, 0, sizeof dep); dep[0] = 1; cnt = 0; dfs1(0); dfs2(0, 0); } int LCA(int u, int v) const { while (top[u] != top[v]) { if (dep[top[u]] > dep[top[v]]) u = fa[top[u]]; else v = fa[top[v]]; } return dep[u] > dep[v] ? v : u; } void solve(int u, int fa) { rap (i, ak[u]) *i.S -= bt.range(dfn[i.F], dfn[i.F] + siz[i.F]); rap (i, val[u]) bt.add(dfn[i], 1); if (~son[u]) solve(son[u], u); rap (i, g[u]) if (i != fa and i != son[u]) solve(i, u); rap (i, ak[u]) *i.S += bt.range(dfn[i.F], dfn[i.F] + siz[i.F]); } Tree& vtree(std::vector<int>& key) { static Tree tr(cnt); int top = 0; st[top] = 0; tr[0].clear(); cc_hash_table<int, null_type> vis; std::sort(key.begin(), key.end(), [&](int a, int b) {return dfn[a] < dfn[b];}); static std::function<void(int, int)> add = [&] (const int& u, const int& v) { if (vis.find(u) == vis.end()) tr[u].clear(), vis.insert(u); tr[u].emplace_back(v); }; static std::function<void(int)> insert = [&] (int x) { if (top == 0) {x != 0 ? st[++top] = x : 0; return ;} int lca = LCA(x, st[top]); if (lca == st[top]) return ; // st[++top] = x; else { while (top > 0 and dfn[st[top - 1]] >= dfn[lca]) add(st[top - 1], st[top]), --top; if (lca != st[top]) add(lca, st[top]), st[top] = lca; st[++top] = x; } }; for (const auto& i : key) insert(i); while (top > 0) add(st[top - 1], st[top]), --top; return tr; } }; int cc[Ma]; int own[Ma]; vector< vector<int> > g; vector<int> vp[Ma]; void cal(int u, int fa) { rap (i, g[u]) if (i != fa) cal(i, u); if (u) own[fa] += own[u]; } signed main() { #if SYNC==0 ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); #endif int n, m; cin >> n >> m; rep (i, n) { cin >> c[i]; vp[c[i]].ep(i); } memcpy(cc, c, sizeof c); sort(cc, cc + n); int len = unique(cc, cc + n) - cc; g.resize(n); rep (i, n - 1) { int u, v; cin >> u >> v; --u, --v; g[u].ep(v); g[v].ep(u); } static HLD<int> hld(g); rep (i, len) { vector< vector<int> >& tp = hld.vtree(vp[cc[i]]); int aim = 0; if (tp[0].size() == 1 and c[tp[0][0]] != cc[i]) aim = tp[0][0]; debug(cc[i], aim, tp[aim].size()); if (cc[i] != c[0] and tp[aim].size() == 2) { int a = tp[aim][0], b = tp[aim][1]; debug(a, b); if (hld.dfn[a] > hld.dfn[b]) swap(a, b); val[a].ep(b); } if (cc[i] == c[0] or tp.empty()) ++own[0]; else { int now = tp[0][0]; for (size_t i = 1; i < tp[0].size(); i++) now = hld.LCA(now, tp[0][i]); ++own[now]; } } cal(0, 0); debug(own[1], own[2]); rep (i, m) { int x, y; cin >> x >> y; --x, --y; if (hld.dfn[x] > hld.dfn[y]) swap(x, y); int lca = hld.LCA(x, y); if (lca == x) {ans[i] = own[x]; continue;} else ans[i] = own[x] + own[y]; ak[x].ep(mkp(y, ans + i)); } hld.solve(0, 0); rep (i, m) cout << ans[i] << endl; return 0; }