广度优先搜索(BFS) 的伪代码——应用队列
参考 https://leetcode-cn.com/explore/learn/card/queue-stack/217/queue-and-bfs/870/
/** * Return the length of the shortest path between root and target node. */ int BFS(Node root, Node target) { Queue<Node> queue; // store all nodes which are waiting to be processed Set<Node> used; // store all the used nodes int step = 0; // number of steps neeeded from root to current node // initialize add root to queue; add root to used; // BFS while (queue is not empty) { step = step + 1; // iterate the nodes which are already in the queue int size = queue.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { Node cur = the first node in queue; return step if cur is target; for (Node next : the neighbors of cur) { if (next is not in used) { add next to queue; add next to used; } } remove the first node from queue; } } return -1; // there is no path from root to target }