山东省ACM多校联盟省赛个人训练第六场 poj 3335 D Rotating Scoreboard

山东省ACM多校联盟省赛个人训练第六场 D Rotating Scoreboard


时间限制:C/C++ 1秒,其他语言2秒
空间限制:C/C++ 262144K,其他语言524288K
64bit IO Format: %lld


This year, ACM/ICPC World finals will be held in a hall in form of a simple polygon. The coaches and spectators are seated along the edges of the polygon. We want to place a rotating scoreboard somewhere in the hall such that a spectator sitting anywhere on the boundary of the hall can view the scoreboard (i.e., his line of sight is not blocked by a wall). Note that if the line of sight of a spectator is tangent to the polygon boundary (either in a vertex or in an edge), he can still view the scoreboard. You may view spectator's seats as points along the boundary of the simple polygon, and consider the scoreboard as a point as well. Your program is given the corners of the hall (the vertices of the polygon), and must check if there is a location for the scoreboard (a point inside the polygon) such that the scoreboard can be viewed from any point on the edges of the polygon.


The first line contains three integers N, M, G(0 < N, M ≤ 500, 0 ≤ G ≤ 200).
Each of the following N lines contains M integers, representing the matrix. It is guaranteed that every integer in the matrix is in the range [-100, 100].


Output the maximum L in a single line.The first number in the input line, T is the number of test cases. Each test case is specified on a single line of input in the form n x








 ... xn ynwhere n (3 ≤ n ≤ 100) is the number of vertices in the polygon, and the pair of integers xi yi sequence specify the vertices of the polygon sorted in order.



4 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
8 0 0  0 2  1 2  1 1  2 1  2 2  3 2  3 0











 1 #include <stdio.h>  2 #include <math.h>  3 #include <string.h>  4 #include <algorithm>  5 #include <iostream>  6 #include <string>  7 #include <time.h>  8 #include <queue>  9 #include <list>  10 #include <map>  11 #include <set>  12 #include <vector>  13 #include <string.h>  14 #define sf scanf  15 #define pf printf  16 #define lf double  17 #define ll long long  18 #define p123 printf("123\n");  19 #define pn printf("\n");  20 #define pk printf(" ");  21 #define p(n) printf("%d",n);  22 #define pln(n) printf("%d\n",n);  23 #define s(n) scanf("%d",&n);  24 #define ss(n) scanf("%s",n);  25 #define ps(n) printf("%s",n);  26 #define sld(n) scanf("%lld",&n);  27 #define pld(n) printf("%lld",n);  28 #define slf(n) scanf("%lf",&n);  29 #define plf(n) printf("%lf",n);  30 #define sc(n) scanf("%c",&n);  31 #define pc(n) printf("%c",n);  32 #define gc getchar();  33 #define re(n,a) memset(n,a,sizeof(n));  34 #define len(a) strlen(a)  35 #define LL long long  36  37 using namespace std;  38 const double pi = 3.1415926535;  39 /*  40 https://codeforces.com/contest/1106/problems  41 https://codeforces.com/contest/1106/submit  42 */  43  44 //2.6 随机素数测试和大数分解(POJ 1811)  45 /* *************************************************  46 * Miller_Rabin 算法进行素数测试  47 * 速度快可以判断一个< 2^63 的数是不是素数  48 **************************************************//*  49 const int S = 8; //随机算法判定次数一般8∼10 就够了  50 // 计算ret = (a*b)%c a,b,c < 2^63  51 long long mult_mod(long long a,long long b,long long c) {  52  a %= c;  53  b %= c;  54  long long ret = 0;  55  long long tmp = a;  56  while(b) {  57  if(b & 1) {  58  ret += tmp;  59  if(ret > c)  60  ret -= c;//直接取模慢很多  61  }  62  tmp <<= 1;  63  if(tmp > c)  64  tmp -= c;  65  b >>= 1;  66  }  67  return ret;  68 }  69 // 计算ret = (a^n)%mod  70 long long pow_mod(long long a,long long n,long long mod) {  71  long long ret = 1;  72  long long temp = a%mod;  73  while(n) {  74  if(n & 1)  75  ret = mult_mod(ret,temp,mod);  76  temp = mult_mod(temp,temp,mod);  77  n >>= 1;  78  }  79  return ret;  80 }  81 // 通过a^(n-1)=1(mod n)来判断n 是不是素数  82 // n - 1 = x ∗ 2t 中间使用二次判断  83 // 是合数返回true, 不一定是合数返回false  84 bool check(long long a,long long n,long long x,long long t) {  85  long long ret = pow_mod(a,x,n);  86  long long last = ret;  87  for(int i = 1; i <= t; i++) {  88  ret = mult_mod(ret,ret,n);  89  if(ret == 1 && last != 1 && last != n-1)  90  return true;//合数  91  last = ret;  92  }  93  if(ret != 1)  94  return true;  95  else  96  return false;  97 }  98 //**************************************************  99 // Miller_Rabin 算法 100 // 是素数返回true,(可能是伪素数) 101 // 不是素数返回false 102 //************************************************** 103 bool Miller_Rabin(long long n) { 104  if( n < 2) 105  return false; 106  if( n == 2) 107  return true; 108  if( (n&1) == 0) 109  return false;//偶数 110  long long x = n - 1; 111  long long t = 0; 112  while( (x&1)==0 ) { 113  x >>= 1; 114  t++; 115  } 116 117  srand(time(NULL));/* *************** */ 118 /* 119  for(int i = 0; i < S; i++) { 120  long long a = rand()%(n-1) + 1; 121  if( check(a,n,x,t) ) 122  return false; 123  } 124  return true; 125 } 126 */ 127 128 /* 129 LL gcd(LL a,LL b) { 130  if(a< b) { 131  ll t =a; 132  a =b; 133  b = t; 134  } 135  if(b == 0) { 136  return a; 137  } else { 138  return gcd(b,a%b); 139  } 140 } 141 */#include<cstdio> 142 #include<cmath> 143 #include<algorithm> 144 #define MAXN 110 145 using namespace std; 146 const double eps = 1e-6; 147 struct poi 148 { 149 double x,y; 150 poi(double x = 0,double y = 0) :x(x),y(y) {} 151 }pos[MAXN]; 152 typedef poi vec; 153 vec operator +(vec A,vec B) {return vec(A.x + B.x, A.y + B.y);} 154 vec operator -(vec A,vec B) {return vec(A.x - B.x, A.y - B.y);} 155 vec operator *(vec A,double p) {return vec(A.x*p, A.y*p);} 156 int dcmp(double x)//别打成bool 157 { 158 if(fabs(x) < eps) return 0; 159 else return x>0?1:-1; 160 } 161 double cross(vec A,vec B) {return A.x*B.y - A.y*B.x;} 162 double dot(vec A,vec B) {return A.x*B.x + A.y*B.y;} 163 poi GetLineIntersection(poi A,vec v,poi B,vec w) 164 { 165 double t = cross(w,A - B) /cross(v,w); 166 return A + v*t; 167 } 168 bool OnSegment(poi p,poi A,poi B) 169 { 170 //return dcmp(cross(A-p,B-p)) == 0&&dcmp(dot(A-p,B-p)) < 0; 不晓得这个为什么被卡了 171 double mnx = min(A.x, B.x), mxx = max(A.x, B.x); 172 double mny = min(A.y, B.y), mxy = max(A.y, B.y); 173 return (mnx <= p.x + eps && p.x - eps <= mxx) && (mny <= p.y + eps && p.y - eps <= mxy); 174 } 175 struct polygon{ 176  poi a[MAXN]; 177 int sz; 178 }; 179 polygon CutPolygon(polygon poly, poi A, poi B) 180 { 181 int m = 0,n = poly.sz; 182  polygon newpoly; 183 for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) 184  { 185 poi C = poly.a[i], D = poly.a[(i+1)%n]; 186 if(dcmp(cross(B - A, C - A)) <= 0) newpoly.a[m++] = C;//f**kf**kf**kf**kf**k,题目的边按顺时针给出,所以是<= 187 if(dcmp(cross(B - A, C - D)) != 0){ 188 poi ip = GetLineIntersection(A, B-A, C, D-C); 189 if(OnSegment(ip, C, D)) newpoly.a[m++] = ip; 190  } 191  } 192 newpoly.sz = m; 193 return newpoly; 194 } 195 bool has_kernel(polygon poly) 196 { 197  polygon knl; 198 knl.a[0] = poi(-1e6,-1e6),knl.a[1] = poi(1e6,-1e6),knl.a[2] = poi(1e6,1e6),knl.a[3] = poi(-1e6,1e6);//边界过大也要WA 199 knl.sz = 4; 200 for(int i = 0; i < poly.sz; i++) 201  { 202 poi A = poly.a[i], B = poly.a[(i+1)%poly.sz]; 203 knl = CutPolygon(knl,A,B); 204 if(knl.sz == 0) return false; 205  } 206 return true; 207 } 208 int main() 209 { 210  polygon poly; 211 int cas = 0,n; 212 int T = 0; 213  s(T ) 214 while(T --){ 215  s(n) 216 217 for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) scanf("%lf%lf",&poly.a[i].x,&poly.a[i].y); 218 poly.sz = n; 219 //printf("Floor #%d\n",++cas); 220 if(has_kernel(poly)) printf("YES\n"); 221 else printf("NO\n"); 222 223  } 224 }




02-01 19:48
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