LeetCode: 879. Profitable Schemes
LeetCode: 879. Profitable Schemes
There are G
people in a gang, and a list of various crimes they could commit.
The i
-th crime generates a profit[i]
and requires group[i]
gang members to participate.
If a gang member participates in one crime, that member can’t participate in another crime.
Let’s call a profitable scheme any subset of these crimes that generates at least P
profit, and the total number of gang members participating in that subset of crimes is at most G
How many schemes can be chosen? Since the answer may be very large, return it modulo 10^9 + 7
Example 1:
Input: G = 5, P = 3, group = [2,2], profit = [2,3]
Output: 2
To make a profit of at least 3, the gang could either commit crimes 0 and 1, or just crime 1.
In total, there are 2 schemes.
Example 2:
Input: G = 10, P = 5, group = [2,3,5], profit = [6,7,8]
Output: 7
To make a profit of at least 5, the gang could commit any crimes, as long as they commit one.
There are 7 possible schemes: (0), (1), (2), (0,1), (0,2), (1,2), and (0,1,2).
1 <= G <= 100
0 <= P <= 100
1 <= group[i] <= 100
0 <= profit[i] <= 100
1 <= group.length = profit.length <= 100
解题思路 —— 记忆搜索
记忆搜索。记 flag[G][P][k]
为从第 k
个犯罪开始, G
个罪犯, P
的收益, 最大的可能性。 深度优先搜索,并将计算的结果记录下来,下次出现时,直接返回。
AC 代码
class Solution {
// 从第 k 个犯罪开始, 最多G个罪犯,获取 P 的收益,的可能数
int profitableSchemes(int flag[101][101][101], int G, int P, vector<int>& group, vector<int>& profit, int k)
if(k >= group.size() && P <= 0 && G >= 0) return 1;
else if(G < 0 || k >= group.size()) return 0;
if(flag[G][P][k] != 0) return flag[G][P][k]-1;
int ans = 0;
if(G >= group[k])
int tp = P - profit[k];
if(tp < 0) tp = 0;
ans = profitableSchemes(flag, G-group[k], tp, group, profit, k+1);
ans = (ans + profitableSchemes(flag, G, P, group, profit, k+1))%1000000007;
flag[G][P][k] = ans+1;
return ans;
int profitableSchemes(int G, int P, vector<int>& group, vector<int>& profit)
int flag[101][101][101] = {0};
return profitableSchemes(flag, G, P, group, profit, 0);