给出的链表为, 返回.
给出的链表为, 返回.
给出的链表为, 返回.
给出的链表为, 返回.
数据范围:链表长度 ,链表中的值满足
要求:空间复杂度 ,时间复杂度
进阶:空间复杂度 ,时间复杂度
struct ListNode* deleteDuplicates(struct ListNode* head ) { // write code here if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL)//链表为空或者只有一个,直接返回 { return head; } struct ListNode*h = NULL;//创建一个新单链表,这是头节点 struct ListNode*t = NULL;//尾结点 struct ListNode*pnew = NULL;//新结点 struct ListNode*p = head; while(p) { if(p->next!=NULL && p->val == p->next->val) { while(p->next != NULL && p->val == p->next->val)//用while找到所有相同的数 { p = p->next; } p = p->next;//往下走一步,所有相同的都没有获取 } else if(p->val != p->next->val)//获取不同的数 { struct ListNode* pnew = malloc (sizeof(struct ListNode)); pnew->val = p->val; pnew->next = NULL; if(h == NULL)//从无到有 { h = pnew; t = pnew; } else//尾插 { t->next = pnew; t = pnew; } p = p->next; } } return h; }
############# Methond 1 ############## class ListNode: def __init__(self, x): self.val = x self.next = None # # 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 # # # @param head ListNode类 # @return ListNode类 # # from collections import defaultdict class Solution: def deleteDuplicates(self , head: ListNode) -> ListNode: # 判断空链表和单值链表 if (not head)&nbs***bsp;(not head.next): return head # 通过列表生成链表 l = [] cur = head while cur: l.append(cur.val) cur = cur.next ## 初试化字典 v = 0 dic = {k:v for k in l} ## 统计数值的频次 for i in l: dic[i] += 1 ## 生成新的列表。这里已经去除了多次出现的数据 l = [] for k, v in dic.items(): if v <= 1: l.append(k) # 通过列表生成链表 res = head = ListNode(0) ## 设置头结点,省去了条件判断 for i in range(0, len(l)): res.next = ListNode(l[i]) res = res.next return head.next
class ListNode: def __init__(self, x): self.val = x self.next = None # # 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 # # # @param head ListNode类 # @return ListNode类 # # from collections import defaultdict class Solution: def deleteDuplicates(self , head: ListNode) -> ListNode: # write code here # 判断空链表和单值链表 if (not head)&nbs***bsp;(not head.next): return head # 通过列表生成链表 l = [] cur = head while cur: l.append(cur.val) cur = cur.next ## 初试化 带有频次的字典 import collections dic = collections.Counter(l) ## 列表生成式 l = [k for k,v in dic.items() if v <= 1] # 通过列表生成链表 res = head = ListNode(0) ## 设置头结点,省去了条件判断 for i in range(0, len(l)): res.next = ListNode(l[i]) res = res.next return head.next
/** * struct ListNode { * int val; * struct ListNode *next; * }; * * C语言声明定义全局变量请加上static,防止重复定义 */ /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param head ListNode类 * @return ListNode类 */ typedef struct ListNode Node; struct ListNode* deleteDuplicates(struct ListNode* head ) { // write code here if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL) { return head; } Node *pre = NULL; Node *mid = head; Node *cur = mid->next; //开头重复 if(mid->val == cur->val) { while(cur && mid->val == cur->val) { //每次循环释放mid结点 Node *p3 = mid; mid = cur; cur = cur->next; free(p3); if( !cur) { return NULL; } } //释放cur结点前一个的mid结点 Node *p4 = mid; pre = cur; mid = cur->next; if(cur->next == NULL) { cur = NULL; } else { cur = cur->next->next; } printf("%d ",pre->val); head = pre; free(p4); } //中间重复 while(cur) { //如果删除后的首结点还重复,继续删除 while(1) { //如果头结点和第二个结点重复,则删除,一直删到不重复为止 if(pre->val == mid->val && pre ) { while(cur && pre->val == mid->val) { Node *p5 = pre; pre = mid; mid = cur; cur = cur->next; free(p5); } //各结点后移 Node *p6 = pre; pre = mid; mid = cur; //如果cur不为空。则cur后移 if(cur) { cur = cur->next; } free(p6); head = pre; } else { break; } } //到这一步说明前面的已经没有重复了,只存在中间重复或者末尾重复 if(mid->val == cur->val && mid != cur) { Node *p1 = cur; cur = cur->next; free(p1); //结尾重复 //如果cur为空,直接让pre指向空,并释放mid结点和cur结点 if(!cur) { pre->next = NULL; free(mid); free(cur); return head; } //如果cur的值不等于mid的值并且cur不为空,则cur后移,并同时删除mid结点 if(cur->val != mid->val && cur) { Node *p2 = mid; mid = cur; cur = cur->next; free(p2); } //此时mid结点的值已经不等于cur结点的值,直接让pre结点指向mid结点,让链表连接起来 pre->next = mid; } else { //都不相等,直接后移 pre = mid; mid = cur; cur = cur->next; } } return head; }
class Solution: def deleteDuplicates(self , head: ListNode) -> ListNode: if head is None: return head dummyhead = ListNode(0) dummyhead.next = head cur = dummyhead pre = cur # 记录重复元素的前一位指针 flag = 0 # 重复标志位 while cur.next : cur = cur.next # 向前走一步 while cur.next and cur.next.val == cur.val: # 判断重复 flag = 1 cur = cur.next if flag == 1: pre.next = cur.next # 去重 flag = 0 else: pre = cur return dummyhead.next
import java.util.*; /* * public class ListNode { * int val; * ListNode next = null; * } */ public class Solution { /** * * @param head ListNode类 * @return ListNode类 */ public ListNode deleteDuplicates (ListNode head) { if (head == null) return null; ListNode dummy = new ListNode(-1), curr = head, start = dummy; dummy.next = head; while (curr.next != null) { if (curr.val != curr.next.val) { curr = curr.next; start = start.next; continue; } while (curr.next != null && curr.val == curr.next.val) { curr = curr.next; } if (curr.next == null) { start.next = null; break; } curr = curr.next; start.next = curr; } return dummy.next; } }
public class Solution { public ListNode deleteDuplicates(ListNode head) { if(head == null || head.next == null) return head; ListNode realHead = new ListNode(-1); realHead.next = head; ListNode fast = head; ListNode slow = realHead; while(fast!=null && fast.next!=null) { if(fast.next!=null && fast.val == fast.next.val) { while(fast.next!=null && fast.val == fast.next.val) { fast = fast.next; } slow.next = fast.next; fast = fast.next; } else { fast = fast.next; slow = slow.next; } } return realHead.next; } }
class Solution { public: ListNode *deleteDuplicates(ListNode *head) { if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL) return head; ListNode preHead(0); preHead.next = head; ListNode *preNow = &preHead; ListNode *now = head; ListNode *pre = head,*p = head->next; int flag = 0; while(now != NULL) { while(p != NULL) { if(p->val == now->val) { pre->next = p->next; delete p; p = pre->next; flag++; } else { pre = p; p = pre->next; } } if(flag) { preNow->next = now->next; delete now; now = preNow->next; pre = now; if(pre != NULL) p = pre->next; flag = 0; } else { preNow = now; now = now->next; pre = now; if(pre != NULL) p = pre->next; } } head = &preHead; head = head->next; return head; } };
//两种写法,递归和非递归 class Solution { public: ListNode *deleteDuplicates(ListNode *head) { //非递归 /* if(!head || !head->next){ return head; } ListNode *root = new ListNode(head->val-1); root->next = head; ListNode *pre = root; ListNode *cur = head; while(cur && cur->next){ if(cur->val != cur->next->val){ pre = cur; }else{ while(cur->next!=NULL && cur->val == cur->next->val){ cur = cur->next; } pre->next = cur->next; } cur = cur->next; } return root->next; */ //递归 if(!head || !head->next){ return head; } ListNode *root = new ListNode(head->val - 1); root->next = head; ListNode *cur = head; if(cur->next && cur->val != cur->next->val){ cur->next = deleteDuplicates(cur->next); return cur; }else{ int tmp = cur->val; while(cur->next && cur->next->val == tmp){ cur = cur->next; if(!cur){ return NULL; } } return deleteDuplicates(cur->next); } } };
//思路很简单,就是记录val值相同的节点个数,有多个的话只修改前一个不重复节点的后继节点 //只有一个的话就将前一个不重复节点向后移 class Solution { public: ListNode *deleteDuplicates(ListNode *head) { if(head == NULL) return NULL; ListNode *L = new ListNode(0); L->next = head; ListNode *p,*q,*tmp; p = L; q = head; int count; while(q!=NULL) { count = 0; tmp = q; while(q!=NULL && q->val==tmp->val) { count++; q = q->next; } if(count>1) { p->next = q; }else if(count==1){ p->next = tmp; p = p->next; } } p->next = NULL; return L->next; } };
思路:使用一个虚节点作为头结点来保存结果。最后返回虚节点的next。使用指针p遍历链表,遇到p.next.val != p.val时认为不是重复结点,加入结果链表,或遇到尾节点时也加入。若遇到重复结点全部删除后继续处理。
public ListNode deleteDuplicates(ListNode head) {
ListNode dummy = new ListNode(0),pNewList = dummy;
ListNode p = head;
while(p != null) {
if(p.next == null || p.val != p.next.val) {
pNewList.next = p;
pNewList = p;
p = p.next;
} else {
int sameVal = p.val;
for(p = p.next; p != null && p.val == sameVal; p = p.next)
pNewList.next = null;
return dummy.next;
class Solution { public: ListNode *deleteDuplicates(ListNode *head) { if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL) return head; ListNode *L = new ListNode(-1); L->next = head; ListNode *p = L; ListNode *q = L->next; while(q) { while(q->next && q->next->val == q->val) q = q->next; if(p->next != q) { ListNode *t = q->next; q->next = NULL; p->next = t; q = t; }else{ p = q; q = q->next; } } return L->next; } };
分享一个IDE直接可用的 #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct ListNode { ListNode *next; int val; }; ListNode* CreateListNode(int value) { ListNode* pNode = new ListNode(); pNode->val = value; pNode->next = NULL; return pNode; } void ConnectListNodes(ListNode* pCurrent, ListNode* pNext) { if (pCurrent == NULL) { printf("Error to connect two nodes.\n"); exit(1); } pCurrent->next = pNext; } void PrintList(ListNode* pHead) { printf("PrintList starts.\n"); ListNode* pNode = pHead; while (pNode != NULL) { printf("%d\t", pNode->val); pNode = pNode->next; } printf("\nPrintList ends.\n"); } ListNode *DeleteDuplicateNode(ListNode *pHead) { if (pHead == NULL) return NULL; ListNode* dummy = CreateListNode(0); dummy->next = pHead; ListNode* Pre = dummy; ListNode* Cur = pHead; while (Cur != NULL) { while (Cur->next != NULL&&Cur->val == Cur->next->val) Cur = Cur->next; if (Pre->next == Cur) { Pre = Pre->next; Cur = Cur->next; } else { Pre->next = Cur->next; Cur = Cur->next; } } return dummy->next; } void main() { ListNode* pNode1 = CreateListNode(1); ListNode* pNode2 = CreateListNode(1); ListNode* pNode3 = CreateListNode(2); ListNode* pNode4 = CreateListNode(2); ListNode* pNode5 = CreateListNode(4); //ListNode* pNode6 = CreateListNode(4); //ListNode* pNode7 = CreateListNode(5); ConnectListNodes(pNode1, pNode2); ConnectListNodes(pNode2, pNode3); ConnectListNodes(pNode3, pNode4); ConnectListNodes(pNode4, pNode5); //ConnectListNodes(pNode5, pNode6); //ConnectListNodes(pNode6, pNode7); ListNode *zkd = DeleteDuplicateNode(pNode1); PrintList(zkd); }
class Solution { public: ListNode *deleteDuplicates(ListNode *head) { ListNode *fake= new ListNode(0); fake->next = head; ListNode *p = fake; while(head) { if(head->next && head->next->val == head->val) { ListNode *temp=head->next; while(temp->next && temp->next->val == head->val) temp=temp->next; head = temp; p->next = temp->next; } else { p->next = head; p = p->next; } head = head->next; } return fake->next; } };
class Solution { public: ListNode *deleteDuplicates(ListNode *pHead) { if (pHead == NULL || pHead->next == NULL) return pHead; ListNode* head = new ListNode(INT_MIN); head->next = pHead; ListNode* p = head; ListNode* q = head->next; while(q) { while(q->next && q->next->val == q->val) q = q->next; if(p->next != q) { ListNode* tmp = q->next; q->next = NULL; //将重复结点断开 p->next = tmp; q = tmp; } else { p = q; q = q->next; } } return head->next; } };
public class Solution { public static ListNode deleteDuplicates(ListNode head) { if(head == null || head.next == null) return head; ListNode newHead = new ListNode(0); newHead.next = head; ListNode pre = newHead; ListNode cur = head; while (cur != null && cur.next != null) { if(cur.val != cur.next.val) pre = cur; else { while (cur.next != null && cur.val == cur.next.val) cur = cur.next; pre.next = cur.next; } cur = cur.next; } return newHead.next; } }
function deleteDuplicates( head ) { // write code here let newHead = null let newPre = null let cur = head let preVal = null while (cur) { const next = cur.next if (cur.val !== preVal && (!next || next.val !== cur.val)) { const node = { val: cur.val, next: null } if (newPre === null) { newHead = node newPre = node } else { newPre.next = node newPre = node } } preVal = cur.val cur = next } return newHead }
// 删节点 class Solution { public: ListNode *deleteDuplicates(ListNode *head) { if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL) return head; ListNode *pre = new ListNode(666); pre->next = head; ListNode *p = pre, *q; while(p->next && p->next->next) { if(p->next->val == p->next->next->val) { q = p->next->next->next; while(q && q->val == p->next->val) q = q->next; p->next = q; } else { p = p->next; } } return pre->next; } };
class Solution { public: ListNode *deleteDuplicates(ListNode *head) { ListNode *beforehead = new ListNode(0); ListNode *cur = beforehead; ListNode *p = head; ListNode *q = head; beforehead->next = head; while (p){ while (q!=NULL && q->val == p->val){ q = q->next; } //检查以p为起点的元素到已q结束的位置的元素中是否有重复元素 if (p->next == q){ cur = p; p = q; } else{ p = q; cur->next = q; } } return beforehead->next; } };
public class Solution { public ListNode deleteDuplicates(ListNode head) { if(head==null||head.next==null) return head; ListNode newHead = new ListNode(head.val-1); newHead.next = head; ListNode cur = head; ListNode last = newHead; while(cur!=null&&cur.next!=null){ if(cur.val!=cur.next.val){ last = cur; }else{ while(cur.next!=null&&cur.val==cur.next.val) cur = cur.next; last.next = cur.next; } cur = cur.next; } return newHead.next; } }